win.purelogs (Back to overview)

PureLogs Stealer

PureLogs, also known as PureLog Stealer, is an infostealer malware from the Pure family that aims to steal sensitive information from infected devices.

2024-10-28GoogleGoogle Threat Analysis Group
Hybrid Russian Espionage and Influence Campaign Aims to Compromise Ukrainian Military Recruits and Deliver Anti-Mobilization Narratives
CraxsRAT Pronsis Loader PureLogs Stealer
2024-10-28GoogleGoogle Threat Analysis Group
Hybrid Russian Espionage and Influence Campaign Aims to Compromise Ukrainian Military Recruits and Deliver Anti-Mobilization Narratives | Google Cloud Blog
CraxsRAT Pronsis Loader PureLogs Stealer
2024-01-16ANY.RUNJane, khr0x, Maksim Mikhailov
A Full Analysis of the Pure Malware Family: Unique and Growing Threat
PureCrypter PureLogs Stealer
2023-12-26Russian Panda Research BlogRussianPanda
Pure Logs Stealer Fails to Impress
PureLogs Stealer
Pure coder offers multiple malware for sale in Darkweb forums
PureLogs Stealer

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