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2021-11-04Youtube (Virus Bulletin)Joey Chen, Yi-Jhen Hsieh
ShadowPad: the masterpiece of privately sold malware in Chinese espionage
PlugX ShadowPad
2021-09-01YouTube (Hack In The Box Security Conference)Joey Chen, Yi-Jhen Hsieh
SHADOWPAD: Chinese Espionage Malware-as-a-Service
PlugX ShadowPad
2021-08-23SentinelOneJoey Chen, Yi-Jhen Hsieh
ShadowPad: the Masterpiece of Privately Sold Malware in Chinese Espionage
PlugX ShadowPad
2021-08-19Sentinel LABSJoey Chen, Yi-Jhen Hsieh
ShadowPad | A Masterpiece of Privately Sold Malware in Chinese Espionage