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2021-12-08YouTube ( DuMp-GuY TrIcKsTeR)Jiří Vinopal
Full malware analysis Work-Flow of AgentTesla Malware
Agent Tesla
2021-11-22YouTube ( DuMp-GuY TrIcKsTeR)Jiří Vinopal
Powershell and DnSpy tricks in .NET reversing – AgentTesla [Part2]
Agent Tesla
2021-11-22YouTube ( DuMp-GuY TrIcKsTeR)Jiří Vinopal
Powershell and DnSpy tricks in .NET reversing – AgentTesla [Part1]
Agent Tesla
2021-10-30YouTube ( DuMp-GuY TrIcKsTeR)Jiří Vinopal
Reversing CryptoCrazy Ransomware - PoC Decryptor and some Tricks
2021-08-23YouTube ( DuMp-GuY TrIcKsTeR)Jiří Vinopal
[2] Lokibot analyzing - spoofing GULoader and LokiBot C2 [part2] - INetSim + BurpSuite
CloudEyE Loki Password Stealer (PWS)
2021-07-15YouTube ( DuMp-GuY TrIcKsTeR)Jiří Vinopal
Fast API resolving of REvil Ransomware related to Kaseya attack
2021-07-07YouTube ( DuMp-GuY TrIcKsTeR)Jiří Vinopal
[2] Lokibot analyzing - spoofing GULoader and LokiBot C2 [part1] - Own implementation in Python
CloudEyE Loki Password Stealer (PWS)
2021-07-06YouTube ( DuMp-GuY TrIcKsTeR)Jiří Vinopal
[1] Lokibot analyzing - defeating GuLoader with Windbg (Kernel debugging) and Live C2
CloudEyE Loki Password Stealer (PWS)