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2024-12-02FortiGuard LabsPei Han Liao
SmokeLoader Attack Targets Companies in Taiwan
2024-12-02Medium b.magnezi0xMrMagnezi
LokiBot Malware Analysis
Loki Password Stealer (PWS)
2024-12-02ZscalerMuhammed Irfan V A
Unveiling RevC2 and Venom Loader
RevC2 VenomLoader
Malware and cryptography 35: encrypt payload via Treyfer algorithm. Simple C example.
2024-11-30Technical Evolutiontechevo
REKOOBE APT-31 Linux Backdoor Analysis
Uncovering Threat Actor Tactics: How Open Directories Provide Insight into XWorm Delivery Strategies
2024-11-28StrikeReadyStrikeReady Labs
RU APT targeting Energy Infrastructure (Unknown unknowns, part 3)
Edam Emmenhtal
2024-11-27Rapid7Natalie Zargarov
New “CleverSoar” Installer Targets Chinese and Vietnamese Users
2024-11-27ESET ResearchMartin Smolár, Peter Strýček
Bootkitty: Analyzing the first UEFI bootkit for Linux
2024-11-26Reco AIGal Nakash
Stealth in the Cloud: How APT36's ElizaRAT is Redefining Cyber Espionage
ElizaRAT Operation C-Major
2024-11-26Trend MicroHara Hiroaki
Guess Who’s Back - The Return of ANEL in the Recent Earth Kasha Spear-phishing Campaign in 2024
Anel MirrorFace
2024-11-26Security IntelligenceNir Somech
What’s up India? PixPirate is back and spreading via WhatsApp
2024-11-26Security AffairsPierluigi Paganini
The source code of Banshee Stealer leaked online
2024-11-25Trend MicroLenart Bermejo, Leon M Chang, Ted Lee, Theo Chen
Game of Emperor: Unveiling Long Term Earth Estries Cyber Intrusions
2024-11-25LinkedIn (Idan Tarab)Idan Tarab
The IT Army of Ukraine: Cyber Resistance in the Digital Battlefield
Linux malware development 3: linux process injection with ptrace. Simple C example.
EvilGnome HiddenWasp Turla RAT
2024-11-22MicrosoftMicrosoft Threat Intelligence
Microsoft shares latest intelligence on North Korean and Chinese threat actors at CYBERWARCON
2024-11-22WiredAndy Greenberg
Russian Spies Jumped From One Network to Another Via Wi-Fi in an Unprecedented Hack
2024-11-22Medium (@lcam)Luca Mella
How to target European SME with Ransomware? Through Zyxel!
HellDown Babuk
2024-11-22VolexitySean Koessel, Steven Adair, Tom Lancaster
The Nearest Neighbor Attack: How A Russian APT Weaponized Nearby Wi-Fi Networks for Covert Access