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2020-09-30GoogleSebastian Porst, Łukasz Siewierski
The fall of Domino – a preinstalled hostile downloader
2020-07-25HITBSecConfŁukasz Siewierski
Zen: A Complex Campaign of Harmful Android Apps
2019-06-06GoogleAndroid Security & Privacy Team, Łukasz Siewierski
PHA Family Highlights: Triada
2019-01-11Google Security BlogŁukasz Siewierski
PHA Family Highlights: Zen and its cousins
2015-03-07CERT.PLŁukasz Siewierski
Slave, Banatrix and ransomware
2014-09-23maldr0id blogŁukasz Siewierski
Android malware based on SMS encryption and with KitKat support