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2023-10-12YouTube (FIRST)Aditya K. Sood
"Compromising the Keys to the Kingdom" - Exfiltrating Data to Own and Operate the Exploited Systems
Loki RAT SystemBC
2023-09-12FIRSTCONAditya K. Sood
Compromising the Keys to the Kingdom: Exfiltrating Data to Own and Operate the Exploited Systems (Slides)
Loki RAT SystemBC
2022-08-15F5 LabsAditya K. Sood, David Warburton, Malcolm Heath, Sander Vinberg
BlackGuard Infostealer Malware: Dissecting the State of Exfiltrated Data
2022-04-23F5Aditya K. Sood
Cryptojacking on the Fly: TeamTNT Using NVIDIA Drivers to Mine Cryptocurrency
2021-12-08F5Aditya K. Sood, Rohit Chaturvedi
Collector-stealer: a Russian origin credential and information extractor
2021-04-07F5Aditya K. Sood
Dissecting the Design and Vulnerabilities in Azorult C&C Panels
2020-02-14Virus BulletinAditya K. Sood
LokiBot: dissecting the C&C panel deployments
Loki Password Stealer (PWS)
2012-08-01Virus BulletinAditya K. Sood, Richard J. Enbody, Rohit Bansal
Inside the ICE IX bot, descendent of Zeus
Ice IX