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2023-03-02ESET ResearchAlexandre Côté Cyr
MQsTTang: Mustang Panda’s latest backdoor treads new ground with Qt and MQTT
2022-04-27ESET ResearchAlexandre Côté Cyr, Matthieu Faou
A lookback under the TA410 umbrella: Its cyberespionage TTPs and activity
FlowCloud Lookback Witchetty
2022-03-25ESET ResearchAlexandre Côté Cyr
Mustang Panda's Hodur: Old stuff, new variant of Korplug
2022-03-23ESET ResearchAlexandre Côté Cyr
Mustang Panda’s Hodur: Old tricks, new Korplug variant
Hodur PlugX
2020-09-02ESET ResearchAlexandre Côté Cyr, Matthieu Faou
KryptoCibule: The multitasking multicurrency cryptostealer