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2020-11-27PTSecurityAlexey Vishnyakov, Denis Goydenko
Investigation with a twist: an accidental APT attack and averted data destruction
TwoFace CHINACHOPPER HyperBro MegaCortex MimiKatz
2020-09-01Twitter (@Vishnyak0v)Alexey Vishnyakov
Tweet on sample discovery
Unidentified 078 (Zebrocy Nim Loader?)
2020-08-18CUJOAI0xffff0800, Albert Zsigovits, Alexey Vishnyakov
UPX Anti-Unpacking Techniques in IoT Malware
2020-06-19Positive TechnologiesAlexey Vishnyakov
The eagle eye is back: old and new backdoors from APT30
backspace NETEAGLE RCtrl RHttpCtrl APT30