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2023-03-21Twitter (@splinter_code)Antonio Cocomazzi
Tweet on BlackByte ransomware rewrite in C++
2022-12-22Sentinel LABSAntonio Cocomazzi
Custom-Branded Ransomware: The Vice Society Group and the Threat of Outsourced Development
Curator PolyVice
2022-11-03Sentinel LABSAntonio Cocomazzi
Black Basta Ransomware | Attacks Deploy Custom EDR Evasion Tools Tied to FIN7 Threat Actor
Black Basta
2022-03-24SentinelOneAntonio Cocomazzi
Ransomware Encryption Internals: A Behavioral Characterization
Babuk Babuk BlackMatter
2021-09-13SentinelOneAntonio Cocomazzi, Antonio Pirozzi
Hide and Seek | New Zloader Infection Chain Comes With Improved Stealth and Evasion Mechanisms