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2022-08-04YouTube (Security Joes)Felipe Duarte, Ido Naor
Sockbot In Goland - Linking APT Actors With Ransomware Gangs
2022-03-09Security JoesFelipe Duarte, Ido Naor
Sockbot in GoLand
lsassDumper Sockbot
2019-03-02Ido Naor
An Israeli website nagish[.]co[.]il was compromised and one of its subdomains (embedded in dozens of websites (including gov and media) became temporary water holes for Israeli residents.
2017-02-16Kaspersky LabsIDF C4I, Ido Naor
Breaking The Weakest Link Of The Strongest Chain
2017-02-16Kaspersky LabsIDF C4I, Ido Naor
Breaking The Weakest Link Of The Strongest Chain
Viper RAT AridViper