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2025-03-06Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Janos Szurdi, Reethika Ramesh
The Next Level: Typo DGAs Used in Malicious Redirection Chains
2022-08-29Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Janos Szurdi
Tor 101: How Tor Works and its Risks to the Enterprise
2020-10-29Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Janos Szurdi, Jingwei Fan, Ruian Duan, Seokkyung Chung, Zhanhao Chen
Domain Parking: A Gateway to Attackers Spreading Emotet and Impersonating McAfee
2020-09-02Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Janos Szurdi, Zhanhao Chen
Cybersquatting: Attackers Mimicking Domains of Major Brands Including Facebook, Apple, Amazon and Netflix to Scam Consumers