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2021-01-26ComaeMatt Suiche
PANDORABOX - North Koreans target security researchers
2020-12-25ComaeMatt Suiche
SUNBURST & Memory Analysis
2020-07-21YouTube ( OPCDE with Matt Suiche)Mohamad Mokbel
vOPCDE #9 - A Journey into Malware HTTP Communication Channels Spectacles (Mohamad Mokbel)
Alureon Aytoke Cobra Carbon System CROSSWALK danbot ProtonBot Silence
2020-03-13ComaeMatt Suiche
Yet Another Active Email Campaign With Malicious Excel Files Identified
2020-02-22ComaeMatt Suiche
Active Email Campaign Identified With Malicious Excel Files
2017-06-28ComaeMatt Suiche
Petya.2017 is a wiper not a ransomware
2017-05-19ComaeMatt Suiche
WannaCry — Decrypting files with WanaKiwi + Demos
2017-05-14ComaeMatt Suiche
WannaCry — New Variants Detected!
2017-05-12ComaeMatt Suiche
WannaCry — The largest ransom-ware infection in History

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