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2023-12-27Kaspersky LabsBoris Larin, Georgy Kucherin, Igor Kuznetsov, Leonid Bezvershenko, Mikhail Vinogradov, Valentin Pashkov
Operation Triangulation: The last (hardware) mystery
TriangleDB Operation Triangulation
2023-10-26Kaspersky LabsBoris Larin, Georgy Kucherin, Igor Kuznetsov, Leonid Bezvershenko, Valentin Pashkov
How to catch a wild triangle
TriangleDB Operation Triangulation
2023-10-23Kaspersky LabsGeorgy Kucherin, Leonid Bezvershenko, Valentin Pashkov
The outstanding stealth of Operation Triangulation
TriangleDB Operation Triangulation
2023-06-01Kaspersky LabsGeorgy Kucherin, Igor Kuznetsov, Leonid Bezvershenko, Valentin Pashkov
Operation Triangulation: iOS devices targeted with previously unknown malware
Operation Triangulation