Moshen Dragon  (Back to overview)

Moshen Dragon is a Chinese-aligned cyberespionage threat actor operating in Central Asia. They have been observed deploying multiple malware triads and utilizing DLL search order hijacking to sideload ShadowPad and PlugX variants. The threat actor also employs various tools, including an LSA notification package and a passive backdoor known as GUNTERS. Their activities involve targeting the telecommunication sector and leveraging Impacket for lateral movement and data exfiltration.

Associated Families

There are currently no families associated with this actor.

2022-05-02Sentinel LABSAmitai Ben Shushan Ehrlich, Joey Chen
Moshen Dragon’s Triad-and-Error Approach | Abusing Security Software to Sideload PlugX and ShadowPad
PlugX ShadowPad Moshen Dragon

Credits: MISP Project