Stargazer Goblin  (Back to overview)

Stargazer Goblin is a threat actor group that operates the Stargazers Ghost Network on GitHub, distributing malware and malicious links through multiple accounts. They utilize compromised and created accounts to evade detection and quickly replace banned components to continue their operations. The group has been estimated to have earned approximately $100,000 from their malicious activities, offering a Distribution as a Service platform for other threat actors to distribute their malware. Stargazer Goblin has been involved in distributing various malware families, including Atlantida Stealer, Rhadamanthys, RisePro, Lumma Stealer, and RedLine.

Associated Families

There are currently no families associated with this actor.

2024-07-24Check Point ResearchAntonis Terefos
Stargazers Ghost Network
Atlantida Lumma Stealer RedLine Stealer Rhadamanthys RisePro Stargazer Goblin

Credits: MISP Project