apk.unidentified_006 (Back to overview)

Unidentified APK 006

Information stealer posing as a fake banking app, targeting Korean users.

2021-11-17Medium ThreatMinerThreatMiner
Android Trojan Targeting Korean Demographic using GitHub for C2
Unidentified APK 006
2021-09-25Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft Security Intelligence
Thread on Malicious Android apps posing as bank loan services are being widely distributed to targets in Asia
Unidentified APK 006
Sophisticated Spyware Posing as a Banking Application To Target Korean Users
Unidentified APK 006
2021-09-15Twitter (@ReBensk)Re-ind
Original Tweet on this unidentified Android banking malware targeting South Korea
Unidentified APK 006

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