Actor(s): APT34, Turla
There is no description at this point.
rule win_neuron_w0 { meta: description = "Rule for detection of Neuron based on commonly used strings" author = "NCSC UK" hash = "d1d7a96fcadc137e80ad866c838502713db9cdfe59939342b8e3beacf9c7fe29" source = "" malpedia_reference = "" malpedia_version = "20171123" malpedia_license = "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0" malpedia_sharing = "TLP:WHITE" strings: $strServiceName = "MSExchangeService" ascii $strReqParameter_1 = "cadataKey" wide $strReqParameter_2 = "cid" wide $strReqParameter_3 = "cadata" wide $strReqParameter_4 = "cadataSig" wide $strEmbeddedKey = "PFJTQUtleVZhbHVlPjxNb2R1bHVzPnZ3WXRKcnNRZjVTcCtWVG9Rb2xuaEVkMHVwWDFrVElFTUNTNEFnRkRCclNmclpKS0owN3BYYjh2b2FxdUtseXF2RzBJcHV0YXhDMVRYazRoeFNrdEpzbHljU3RFaHBUc1l4OVBEcURabVVZVklVb HlwSFN1K3ljWUJWVFdubTZmN0JTNW1pYnM0UWhMZElRbnl1ajFMQyt6TUhwZ0xmdEc2b1d5b0hyd1ZNaz08L01vZHVsdXM+PEV4cG9uZW50PkFRQUI8L0V4cG9uZW50PjwvUlNBS2V5VmFsdWU+" wide $strDefaultKey = "8d963325-01b8-4671-8e82-d0904275ab06" wide $strIdentifier = "MSXEWS" wide $strListenEndpoint = "443/ews/exchange/" wide $strB64RegKeySubstring = "U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XENyeXB0b2dyYXBo" wide $strName = "neuron_service" ascii condition: 6 of ($str*) }
rule win_neuron_w1 { meta: description = "Rule for detection of Neuron based on a standalone signature from .NET metadata" author = "NCSC UK" hash = "d1d7a96fcadc137e80ad866c838502713db9cdfe59939342b8e3beacf9c7fe29" source = "" malpedia_reference = "" malpedia_version = "20171123" malpedia_license = "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0" malpedia_sharing = "TLP:WHITE" strings: $a = {eb073d151231011234080e12818d1d051281311d1281211d1281211d128121081d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281} $dotnetMagic = "BSJB" ascii condition: all of them }
rule win_neuron_w2 { meta: description = "Rule for detection of Neuron based on .NET function, variable and class names" author = "NCSC UK" hash = "d1d7a96fcadc137e80ad866c838502713db9cdfe59939342b8e3beacf9c7fe29" source = "" malpedia_reference = "" malpedia_version = "20171123" malpedia_license = "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0" malpedia_sharing = "TLP:WHITE" strings: $class1 = "StorageUtils" ascii $class2 = "WebServer" ascii $class3 = "StorageFile" ascii $class4 = "StorageScript" ascii $class5 = "ServerConfig" ascii $class6 = "CommandScript" ascii $class7 = "MSExchangeService" ascii condition: all of them }
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