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2021-12-31InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogJan Kopriva
Do you want your Agent Tesla in the 300 MB or 8 kB package?
Agent Tesla
2021-12-20InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogAlef Nula, Jan Kopriva
PowerPoint attachments, Agent Tesla and code reuse in malware
Agent Tesla
2021-04-19InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogJan Kopriva
Hunting phishing websites with favicon hashes
2021-04-06InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogJan Kopriva
Malspam with Lokibot vs. Outlook and RFCs
Loki Password Stealer (PWS)
2021-02-11InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogJan Kopriva
Agent Tesla hidden in a historical anti-malware tool
Agent Tesla
2020-02-03SANS ISCJan Kopriva
Analysis of a triple-encrypted AZORult downloader