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2024-05-15StairwellThreat Research at Stairwell
Stairwell threat report: Black Basta overview and detection rules
Black Basta Black Basta
2024-02-02StairwellThreat Research at Stairwell
Proactive response: AnyDesk, any breach
Agent Tesla
2024-01-31StairwellAlex Hegyi, Chris St. Myers, Evelyne Diaz Araque, Matt Richard, Silas Cutler, Vincent Zell
Technical analysis: The silent torrent of VileRAT
2023-12-13StairwellSilas Cutler
Kuiper ransomware analysis: Stairwell’s technical report
2023-08-23StairwellSilas Cutler
Akira: Pulling on the chains of ransomware
2022-07-06StairwellSilas Cutler
Maui Ransomware
Maui Ransomware
2022-04-27StairwellSilas Cutler, Steve Miller
The origin story of APT32 macros: The StrikeSuit Gi
StrikeSuit Gift
2022-04-27StairwellSilas Cutler, Steve Miller
The origin story of APT32 macros: The StrikeSuit Gift that keeps giving
2022-04-21StairwellSilas Cutler
The ink-stained trail of GOLDBACKDOOR
2022-02-28StairwellSteve Miller
Quick n’ dirty detection research: Building a labeled malware corpus for YARA testing
2022-01-18StairwellSilas Cutler
Whispers in the noise

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