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2023-02-27Medium s2wlabJiho Kim, Lee Sebin
Lumma Stealer targets YouTubers via Spear-phishing Email
Lumma Stealer
Tweet on Phonk by
2023-02-26ProofpointAndrew Northern
TA569: SocGholish and Beyond
FAKEUPDATES RedLine Stealer solarmarker
2023-02-26OALabsSergei Frankoff
PikaBot Tiny loader that seems very familiar
2023-02-26Medium IlanduIlan Duhin, Yossi Poberezsky
Emotet Campaign
2023-02-24ESET ResearchESET Research
A year of wiper attacks in Ukraine
2023-02-24Twitter (@Sebdraven)Sébastien Larinier
Tweet on IOCTL manipulation in TDL4 and HermeticWiper
Alureon HermeticWiper
2023-02-24Trend MicroBuddy Tancio, Catherine Loveria, Jed Valderama
Investigating the PlugX Trojan Disguised as a Legitimate Windows Debugger Tool
2023-02-24ZscalerAvinash Kumar, Niraj Shivtarkar
Snip3 Crypter Reveals New TTPs Over Time
DCRat Quasar RAT
2023-02-24Team CymruTeam Cymru
Desde Chile con Malware (From Chile with Malware)
IcedID PhotoLoader
2023-02-24Medium walmartglobaltechJason Reaves, Jonathan Mccay, Joshua Platt, Kirk Sayre
Qbot testing malvertising campaigns?
Berbew Backdoor Spotted In The Wild
2023-02-23SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Clasiopa: New Group Targets Materials Research
Atharvan HazyLoad Lilith
2023-02-23BitdefenderBitdefender Team, Martin Zugec
Technical Advisory: Various Threat Actors Targeting ManageEngine Exploit CVE-2022-47966
Cobalt Strike DarkComet QuiteRAT RATel
2023-02-23K7 SecurityVigneshwaran P
The DoNot APT
2023-02-23Andrea Fortuna's BlogAndrea Fortuna
How to detect Brute Ratel activities
Brute Ratel C4
2023-02-23ESET ResearchVladislav Hrčka
WinorDLL64: A backdoor from the vast Lazarus arsenal?
2023-02-23CERT.PLJarosław Jedynak, Michał Praszmo
A tale of Phobos - how we almost cracked a ransomware using CUDA
2023-02-23Jamf BlogFerdous Saljooki, Jaron Bradley, Matt Benyo
Evasive cryptojacking malware targeting macOS found lurking in pirated applications
2023-02-23Arctic WolfMarkus Neis, Ross Phillips, Seth Battles, Steven Campbell
Getting Dumped: A Trust Relationship Destroyed by Lorenz