win.8base (Back to overview)



The 8Base ransomware group has remained relatively unknown despite the massive spike in activity in Summer of 2023. The group utilizes encryption paired with “name-and-shame” techniques to compel their victims to pay their ransoms. 8Base has an opportunistic pattern of compromise with recent victims spanning across varied industries. Despite the high amount of compromises, the information regarding identities, methodology, and underlying motivation behind these incidents still remains a mystery. Samples of their ransomware show they are using customized Phobos with SmokeLoader.

2024-05-30circleidWhoisXML API
A DNS Investigation of the Phobos Ransomware 8Base Attack
8Base Phobos
2023-11-17Cisco TalosGuilherme Venere
A deep dive into Phobos ransomware, recently deployed by 8Base group
8Base Phobos
2023-09-18KrebsOnSecurityBrian Krebs
Who's Behind the 8Base Ransomware Website?
2023-09-14SekoiaLivia Tibirna mid-2023 Ransomware Threat Landscape
8Base Akira Cactus Storm-1567
2023-08-23LogpointAnish Bogati, Nischal khadgi
Defending Against 8base: Uncovering Their Arsenal and Crafting Responses
8Base Phobos SmokeLoader SystemBC
Dark Web Profile: 8Base Ransomware
2023-07-26TalosNicole Hoffman
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BianLian Clop LockBit Royal Ransom LockBit 8Base BianLian Clop LockBit Money Message Royal Ransom
2023-07-17AcronisAcronis Security
8Base ransomware stays unseen for a year
8Base Phobos SmokeLoader
2023-06-30Twitter (@rivitna2)@rivitna2
Twitter thread about relationship between 8Base and Phobos ransomware
8Base Phobos
2023-06-28vmwareBria Beathley, Dana Behling, Deborah Snyder, Fae Carlisle
8Base Ransomware: A Heavy Hitting Player
8Base Phobos SmokeLoader SystemBC
2023-05-24BushidoToken BlogBushidoToken
Unmasking Ransomware Using Stylometric Analysis: Shadow, 8BASE, Rancoz
Yara Rules
[TLP:WHITE] win_8base_auto (20230808 | Detects win.8base.)
rule win_8base_auto {

        author = "Felix Bilstein - yara-signator at cocacoding dot com"
        date = "2023-12-06"
        version = "1"
        description = "Detects win.8base."
        info = "autogenerated rule brought to you by yara-signator"
        tool = "yara-signator v0.6.0"
        signator_config = "callsandjumps;datarefs;binvalue"
        malpedia_reference = ""
        malpedia_rule_date = "20231130"
        malpedia_hash = "fc8a0e9f343f6d6ded9e7df1a64dac0cc68d7351"
        malpedia_version = "20230808"
        malpedia_license = "CC BY-SA 4.0"
        malpedia_sharing = "TLP:WHITE"

     * The strings used in this rule have been automatically selected from the
     * disassembly of memory dumps and unpacked files, using YARA-Signator.
     * The code and documentation is published here:
     * As Malpedia is used as data source, please note that for a given
     * number of families, only single samples are documented.
     * This likely impacts the degree of generalization these rules will offer.
     * Take the described generation method also into consideration when you
     * apply the rules in your use cases and assign them confidence levels.

        $sequence_0 = { 6a00 ff15???????? 8d8e04a2feff 81f98c230000 770b }
            // n = 5, score = 100
            //   6a00                 | push                0
            //   ff15????????         |                     
            //   8d8e04a2feff         | lea                 ecx, [esi - 0x15dfc]
            //   81f98c230000         | cmp                 ecx, 0x238c
            //   770b                 | ja                  0xd

        $sequence_1 = { f8 290c67 98 a6 73c2 }
            // n = 5, score = 100
            //   f8                   | clc                 
            //   290c67               | sub                 dword ptr [edi], ecx
            //   98                   | cwde                
            //   a6                   | cmpsb               byte ptr [esi], byte ptr es:[edi]
            //   73c2                 | jae                 0xffffffc4

        $sequence_2 = { 8815???????? c605????????6f 880d???????? c605????????65 c605????????63 }
            // n = 5, score = 100
            //   8815????????         |                     
            //   c605????????6f       |                     
            //   880d????????         |                     
            //   c605????????65       |                     
            //   c605????????63       |                     

        $sequence_3 = { 8d3485c0289100 8b06 83e71f c1e706 03c7 8a5824 }
            // n = 6, score = 100
            //   8d3485c0289100       | lea                 esi, [eax*4 + 0x9128c0]
            //   8b06                 | mov                 eax, dword ptr [esi]
            //   83e71f               | and                 edi, 0x1f
            //   c1e706               | shl                 edi, 6
            //   03c7                 | add                 eax, edi
            //   8a5824               | mov                 bl, byte ptr [eax + 0x24]

        $sequence_4 = { c684249c00000002 50 c7442410043a4000 e8???????? }
            // n = 4, score = 100
            //   c684249c00000002     | mov                 byte ptr [esp + 0x9c], 2
            //   50                   | push                eax
            //   c7442410043a4000     | mov                 dword ptr [esp + 0x10], 0x403a04
            //   e8????????           |                     

        $sequence_5 = { d3ea 89542414 8b442434 01442414 8b442424 31442410 }
            // n = 6, score = 100
            //   d3ea                 | shr                 edx, cl
            //   89542414             | mov                 dword ptr [esp + 0x14], edx
            //   8b442434             | mov                 eax, dword ptr [esp + 0x34]
            //   01442414             | add                 dword ptr [esp + 0x14], eax
            //   8b442424             | mov                 eax, dword ptr [esp + 0x24]
            //   31442410             | xor                 dword ptr [esp + 0x10], eax

        $sequence_6 = { ff15???????? 8b442414 40 3d???????? 89442414 0f8c0effffff 8b35???????? }
            // n = 7, score = 100
            //   ff15????????         |                     
            //   8b442414             | mov                 eax, dword ptr [esp + 0x14]
            //   40                   | inc                 eax
            //   3d????????           |                     
            //   89442414             | mov                 dword ptr [esp + 0x14], eax
            //   0f8c0effffff         | jl                  0xffffff14
            //   8b35????????         |                     

        $sequence_7 = { 8bf7 83e61f c1e606 033485c0289100 c745e401000000 }
            // n = 5, score = 100
            //   8bf7                 | mov                 esi, edi
            //   83e61f               | and                 esi, 0x1f
            //   c1e606               | shl                 esi, 6
            //   033485c0289100       | add                 esi, dword ptr [eax*4 + 0x9128c0]
            //   c745e401000000       | mov                 dword ptr [ebp - 0x1c], 1

        $sequence_8 = { 6689442416 33c9 668954241a 8d442434 50 66894c241c 8b4c241c }
            // n = 7, score = 100
            //   6689442416           | mov                 word ptr [esp + 0x16], ax
            //   33c9                 | xor                 ecx, ecx
            //   668954241a           | mov                 word ptr [esp + 0x1a], dx
            //   8d442434             | lea                 eax, [esp + 0x34]
            //   50                   | push                eax
            //   66894c241c           | mov                 word ptr [esp + 0x1c], cx
            //   8b4c241c             | mov                 ecx, dword ptr [esp + 0x1c]

        $sequence_9 = { 899c24ac000000 3bfb 7449 8b8424b8000000 56 8d742418 }
            // n = 6, score = 100
            //   899c24ac000000       | mov                 dword ptr [esp + 0xac], ebx
            //   3bfb                 | cmp                 edi, ebx
            //   7449                 | je                  0x4b
            //   8b8424b8000000       | mov                 eax, dword ptr [esp + 0xb8]
            //   56                   | push                esi
            //   8d742418             | lea                 esi, [esp + 0x18]

        7 of them and filesize < 10838016
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