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2021-09-17K7 SecurityBaran S
2021-09-17ESET ResearchESET Research
Numando: Count once, code twice
2021-09-17Medium inteloperatorIntel Operator
The default: 63 6f 62 61 6c 74 strike
Cobalt Strike
2021-09-16PCriskTomas Meskauskas
.harma (Ouroboros) ransomware from the operating system
2021-09-16Department Of Health And Social Services (DHSS)Department Of Health And Social Services (DHSS)
Department of Health and Social Services 2021 Cyberattack: Frequently Asked Questions Updated Sept. 16, 2021
2021-09-16LumenBlack Lotus Labs
No Longer Just Theory: Black Lotus Labs Uncovers Linux Executables Deployed as Stealth Windows Loaders
PrivetSanya Meterpreter
2021-09-16Group-IBIvan Lebedev, Reza Rafati
RUNLIR - phishing campaign targeting Netherlands
2021-09-16Twitter (@GossiTheDog)Kevin Beaumont
Tweet on some unknown threat actor dropping Mgbot, custom IIS modular backdoor and cobalstrike using exploiting ProxyShell
Cobalt Strike MgBot
2021-09-16AkamaiLarry Cashdollar
Capoae Malware Ramps Up: Uses Multiple Vulnerabilities and Tactics to Spread
Exploitation of the CVE-2021-40444 vulnerability in MSHTML
2021-09-16CiscoTiago Pereira, Vitor Ventura
Operation Layover: How we tracked an attack on the aviation industry to five years of compromise
AsyncRAT Houdini NjRAT
2021-09-16Objective-SeeTom McGuire
Analysis of CVE-2021-30860 the flaw and fix of a zero-click vulnerability, exploited in the wild
2021-09-16Medium ShabarkinPavel Shabarkin
Pointer: Hunting Cobalt Strike globally
Cobalt Strike
APT Actors Exploiting Newly Identified Vulnerability in ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus
2021-09-16BlackberryThe BlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team
Threat Thursday: NetWire RAT is Coming Down the Line
NetWire RC
Untangling the Spider Web: The Curious Connection Between WIZARD SPIDER’s Ransomware Infrastructure and a Windows Zero-Day Exploit
Cobalt Strike Ryuk
2021-09-15Silent PushSilent Push
Bad ASes
2021-09-15MicrosoftMicrosoft 365 Defender Threat Intelligence Team, Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC)
Analyzing attacks that exploit the CVE-2021-40444 MSHTML vulnerability
2021-09-15Twitter (@ReBensk)Re-ind
Original Tweet on this unidentified Android banking malware targeting South Korea
Unidentified APK 006
REMCOS and Agent Tesla loaded into memory with Rezer0 loader
Agent Tesla Remcos