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Alert Number ME-000138-TT: Indicators of Compromise Pertaining to Iranian Interference in the 2020 US Presidential Election
Online Leader Invites You to This Webex Phish
2020-10-29Twitter (@SophosLabs)SophosLabs
Tweet on similarities between BUER in-memory loader & RYUK in-memory loader
Buer Ryuk
2020-10-29Red CanaryThe Red Canary Team
A Bazar start: How one hospital thwarted a Ryuk ransomware outbreak
Cobalt Strike Ryuk TrickBot
2020-10-29Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Brad Duncan, Brittany Barbehenn, Doel Santos
Threat Assessment: Ryuk Ransomware and Trickbot Targeting U.S. Healthcare and Public Health Sector
Anchor BazarBackdoor Ryuk TrickBot
2020-10-29McAfeeMcAfee Labs
McAfee Labs Threat Advisory Ransom-Ryuk
2020-10-29Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Janos Szurdi, Jingwei Fan, Ruian Duan, Seokkyung Chung, Zhanhao Chen
Domain Parking: A Gateway to Attackers Spreading Emotet and Impersonating McAfee
Malware Analysis Report (AR20-303A): PowerShell Script: ComRAT
2020-10-29Github (Swisscom)Swisscom CSIRT
List of CobaltStrike C2's used by RYUK
Cobalt Strike
2020-10-29CNNAlex Marquardt, Lauren Mascarenhas, Vivian Salama
Several hospitals targeted in new wave of ransomware attacks
2020-10-29Bleeping ComputerLawrence Abrams
Hacking group is targeting US hospitals with Ryuk ransomware
2020-10-29ReutersChristopher Bing, Joseph Menn
Building wave of ransomware attacks strike U.S. hospitals
2020-10-29Bleeping ComputerLawrence Abrams
Maze ransomware is shutting down its cybercrime operation
Egregor Maze
2020-10-29Bleeping ComputerIonut Ilascu
REvil ransomware gang claims over $100 million profit in a year
2020-10-29Security BoulevardTomas Meskauskas
Egregor: Sekhmet’s Cousin
2020-10-28Twitter (@BitsOfBinary)John
Tweet on macOS version of Manuscrypt
Tweet about RegretLocker from MHT
2020-10-28Youtube (SANS Institute)Aaron Stephens, Katie Nickels, Van Ta
Spooky RYUKy: The Return of UNC1878 | SANS STAR Webcast
Ryuk UNC1878
2020-10-28Github (aaronst)Aaron Stephens
UNC1878 indicators
Ryuk UNC1878
2020-10-28Risky.bizBrett Winterford, Daniel Gordon
The many personalities of Lazarus