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2020-09-28fmmresearch wordpressFacundo Muñoz
The Emerald Connection: EquationGroup collaboration with Stuxnet
Fanny Stuxnet
2020-09-28fmmresearch wordpressFacundo Muñoz
The Emerald Connection: Equation Group collaboration with Stuxnet
Fanny Stuxnet
The Finfisher Tales, Chapter 1: The dropper
2020-09-26Aaron Rosenmund
Ironcat Ransomware
2020-09-26Objective-SeePatrick Wardle
FinFisher Filleted: a triage of the FinSpy (macOS) malware
2020-09-25NetlabAlex Turing, Hui Wang
Ghost in action: the Specter botnet
2020-09-25StateScoopBenjamin Freed
Baltimore ransomware attack was early attempt at data extortion, new report shows
2020-09-25F-Secure LabsGuillaume Couchard, Qimin Wang, Thiam Loong Siew
Catching Lazarus: Threat Intelligence to Real Detection Logic - Part One
2020-09-25VISAVisa Security Alert
Visa Security Alert: New Malware Samples identified in Point-of-Sale Compromises
BlackPOS pwnpos rtpos
2020-09-25SUCURIKrasimir Konov
Magento Credit Card Stealing Malware: gstaticapi
2020-09-25Emanuele De Lucia
APT vs Internet Service Providers
TwoFace RGDoor
Spear phishing campaigns threaten Russian fuel and energy companies
2020-09-25360 Total Securitykate
APT-C-43 steals Venezuelan military secrets to provide intelligence support for the reactionaries - HpReact campaign
PyArk El Machete
2020-09-25Github (sisoma2)Marc
Turla Carbon System
Cobra Carbon System
2020-09-25CrowdStrikeThe Crowdstrike Intel Team
Double Trouble: Ransomware with Data Leak Extortion, Part 1
DoppelPaymer FriedEx LockBit Maze MedusaLocker RagnarLocker REvil RobinHood SamSam WastedLocker MIMIC SPIDER PIZZO SPIDER TA2101 VIKING SPIDER
2020-09-25Avast DecodedMartin Hron
The Fresh Smell of ransomed coffee
2020-09-25Medium cryptaxAxelle Apvrille
Into Android Meterpreter and how the malware launches it - part 2
2020-09-25Amnesty InternationalAmnesty International
German-made FinSpy spyware found in Egypt, and Mac and Linux versions revealed
FinFisher FinFisher FinFisher FinFisher RAT
2020-09-24MicrosoftBen Koehl, Joe Hannon
Microsoft Security—detecting empires in the cloud
2020-09-24CrowdStrikeCrowdStrike Intelligence Team
Double Trouble: Ransomware with Data Leak Extortion, Part 1
DoppelPaymer Gandcrab LockBit Maze MedusaLocker RagnarLocker SamSam OUTLAW SPIDER OVERLORD SPIDER