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2018-08-24Bleeping ComputerCatalin Cimpanu
Iranian Hackers Charged in March Are Still Actively Phishing Universities
2018-08-24SecureworksCTU Research Team
Back to School: COBALT DICKENS Targets Universities
Silent Librarian
2018-08-23ProofpointProofpoint Staff
New modular downloaders fingerprint systems - Part 2: AdvisorsBot
2018-08-23Kaspersky LabsGReAT
Operation AppleJeus: Lazarus hits cryptocurrency exchange with fake installer and macOS malware
AppleJeus Volgmer Lazarus Group
2018-08-23Bleeping ComputerCatalin Cimpanu
Lazarus Group Deploys Its First Mac Malware in Cryptocurrency Exchange Hack
Lazarus Group
2018-08-22WiredAndy Greenberg
The Untold Story of NotPetya, the Most Devastating Cyberattack in History
2018-08-22IBMLimor Kessem
BackSwap Malware Now Targets Six Banks in Spain
2018-08-22Bleeping ComputerIonut Ilascu
Turla Outlook Backdoor Uses Clever Tactics for Stealth and Persistence
2018-08-22Cisco TalosEdmund Brumaghin, Eric Kuhla, Holger Unterbrink, Lilia Gonzalez Medina
Picking Apart Remcos Botnet-In-A-Box
2018-08-22ESET ResearchESET researchers
Turla Outlook Backdoor
Outlook Backdoor
2018-08-21Trend MicroJaromír Hořejší, Joseph C Chen, Kawabata Kohei, Kenney Lu
Operation Red Signature Targets South Korean Companies
9002 RAT PlugX Operation Red Signature
2018-08-21Trend MicroJaromír Hořejší, Joseph C. Chen, Kawabata Kohei, Kenney Lu
Supply Chain Attack Operation Red Signature Targets South Korean Organizations
9002 RAT
2018-08-21Kaspersky LabsGReAT
Dark Tequila Añejo
2018-08-21Bleeping ComputerCatalin Cimpanu
Microsoft Disrupts APT28 Hacking Campaign Aimed at US Midterm Elections
2018-08-21BBCBBC News
Microsoft claims win over 'Russian political hackers'
2018-08-20ReversingMinds' Blog51ddh4r7h4
Advanced Brazilian Malware Analysis
2018-08-20MicrosoftBrad Smith
We are taking new steps against broadening threats to democracy
2018-08-20Marco Ramilli's BlogMarco Ramilli
Interesting hidden threat since years ?
2018-08-20Check PointBen Herzog, Itay Cohen
Ryuk Ransomware: A Targeted Campaign Break-Down
2018-08-20Vitali Kremez BlogVitali Kremez
Let's Learn: Dissecting Panda Banker & Modules: Webinject, Grabber & Keylogger DLL Modules