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2021-04-07Check Point ResearchAviran Hazum, Bodgan Melnykov, Israel Wenik
New Wormable Android Malware Spreads by Creating Auto-Replies to Messages in WhatsApp
2021-03-09Check Point ResearchAviran Hazum, Bohdan Melnykov, Israel Wernik
Clast82 – A new Dropper on Google Play Dropping the AlienBot Banker and MRAT
2021-01-12CheckpointAlex Shamshur, Aviran Hazum, Israel Wernik, Ohad Mana, Raman Ladutska
Going Rogue- a Mastermind behind Android Malware Returns with a New RAT
HawkShaw Rogue
2020-12-03Check Point ResearchAviran Hazum, Jonathan Shimonovich
Vulnerability in Google Play Core Library Remains Unpatched in Google Play Applications
2020-07-09CheckpointAviran Hazum, Bogdan Melnykov, Israel Wernik
New Joker variant hits Google Play with an old trick