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2019-12-09Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Brittany Ash, Bryan Lee, Mike Harbison
TrickBot Campaign Uses Fake Payroll Emails to Conduct Phishing Attacks
2019-04-17Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Brittany Ash, Robert Falcone
Aggah Campaign:, BlogSpot, and Pastebin Used for C2 in Large Scale Campaign
Hagga The Gorgon Group
2019-03-04Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Brittany Ash, Robert Falcone
New Python-Based Payload MechaFlounder Used by Chafer
2019-02-25Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Brittany Ash, Josh Grunzweig
Multiple ArtraDownloader Variants Used by BITTER to Target Pakistan
Artra Downloader
2018-07-13Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Brittany Ash, Mike Harbison
Upatre Continued to Evolve with new Anti-Analysis Techniques
2018-06-26Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Brittany Ash, Josh Grunzweig, Tom Lancaster
RANCOR: Targeted Attacks in South East Asia Using PLAINTEE and DDKONG Malware Families
2018-06-26Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Brittany Ash, Josh Grunzweig, Tom Lancaster
RANCOR: Targeted Attacks in South East Asia Using PLAINTEE and DDKONG Malware Families
2018-03-07Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Brandon Levene, Brittany Ash, Josh Grunzweig
Patchwork Continues to Deliver BADNEWS to the Indian Subcontinent