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2022-07-01CISACISA, Department of the Treasury (Treasury), FBI, FINCEN
Alert (AA22-181A): #StopRansomware: MedusaLocker
2022-06-30CISACISA, Department of the Treasury (Treasury), FBI, FINCEN
CSA (AA22-181A): #StopRansomware: MedusaLocker
2022-06-01CISACISA, Department of the Treasury (Treasury), FBI, FINCEN
Alert (AA22-152A): Karakurt Data Extortion Group
2022-06-01CISACISA, Department of the Treasury (Treasury), FBI, FINCEN
Joint Cybersecurity Advisory (Product ID AA22-152A): Karakurt Data Extortion Group
2022-04-07BlackberryThe BlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team
Threat Thursday: AvosLocker Prompts Advisory from FBI and FinCEN
Avoslocker AvosLocker
2022-03-17IC3FBI, FINCEN, U.S. Department of the Treasury
Indicators of Compromise Associated with AvosLocker Ransomware
Avoslocker AvosLocker