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2022-01-24NetskopeGhanashyam Satpathy, Gustavo Palazolo
Infected PowerPoint Files Using Cloud Services to Deliver Multiple Malware
Agent Tesla
2021-11-18NetskopeGhanashyam Satpathy, Gustavo Palazolo
Netskope Threat Coverage: The Return of Emotet
2021-10-07NetskopeGhanashyam Satpathy, Gustavo Palazolo
SquirrelWaffle: New Malware Loader Delivering Cobalt Strike and QakBot
Cobalt Strike QakBot Squirrelwaffle
2021-06-29NetskopeGhanashyam Satpathy, Jenko Hwong
Not Laughing: Malicious Office Documents using LoLBins
2021-01-14NetskopeDagmawi Mulugeta, Ghanashyam Satpathy
You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide: Advanced Emotet Updates