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2022-04-20InfoSec InstitutePedro Tavares
Mars Stealer malware analysis
Mars Stealer
2015-10-09InfoSec InstituteAyoub Faouzi
Beta Bot Analysis: Part 1
2015-09-29InfoSec InstituteAyoub Faouzi
Andromeda Bot Analysis part 1
2015-09-29InfoSec InstituteAyoub Faouzi
Andromeda Bot Analysis part 2
2015-07-02InfoSec InstituteShaman Vilen
Win32/Lethic Botnet Analysis
2015-02-27InfoSec InstituteRyan Mazerik
ScanBox Framework
2011-04-19InfoSec InstituteInfosec Institute
TDSS part 1: The x64 Dollar Question
2010-11-20InfoSec InstituteGiuseppe Bonfa
The Kernel-Mode Device Driver Stealth Rootkit
2010-11-01InfoSec InstituteGiuseppe Bonfa
ZEROACCESS MALWARE - PART 1: De-Obfuscating and Reversing the User-Mode Agent Dropper