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2022-11-21Avast DecodedJan Rubín
ViperSoftX: Hiding in System Logs and Spreading VenomSoftX
2022-04-07Avast DecodedJan Rubín, Pavel Novák
Parrot TDS takes over web servers and threatens millions
FAKEUPDATES Parrot TDS Parrot TDS WebShell NetSupportManager RAT
2021-12-01AvastJakub Kaloč, Jan Rubín
Toss a Coin to your Helper (Part 2 of 2)
2021-10-12AvastJakub Kaloč, Jan Rubín
The King is Dead, Long Live MyKings! (Part 1 of 2)
MyKings Spreader
2021-02-03Avast DecodedJan Rubín, Jan Vojtěšek
Backdoored Browser Extensions Hid Malicious Traffic in Analytics Requests
2020-11-12Avast DecodedJan Rubín
Password stealer in Delphi? Meh… (2/2)
2020-09-17Avast DecodedJan Rubín
Complex obfuscation? Meh… (1/2)
2020-05-20Avast DecodedAlexej Savčin, David Jursa, Jan Rubín, Simi Musilova
GhostDNS Source Code Leaked
2020-04-02AvastJan Rubín
CoViper locking down computers during lockdown
2019-08-06AvastJan Rubín
Clipsa – Multipurpose password stealer
Sysraw Stealer