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2021-10-22Medium JangJang
50 Shades of SolarWinds Orion Deserialization (Part 1: CVE-2021–35215)
2021-04-26Medium testbnullMin-Chang Jang
Microsoft Exchange From Deserialization to Post-Auth RCE (CVE-2021–28482)
2020-03-10Virus BulletinJaeki Kim, Kyoung-Ju Kwak (郭炅周), Min-Chang Jang
Kimsuky group: tracking the king of the spear phishing
Kimsuky MyDogs
2019-10-04Virus BulletinJaeki Kim, Kyoung-ju Kwak, Min-Chang Jang
Kimsuky group: tracking the king of the spear-phishing