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2021-11-10MicrosoftJohn Lambert
The hunt for NOBELIUM, the most sophisticated nation-state attack in history
2020-12-13MicrosoftJohn Lambert
Important steps for customers to protect themselves from recent nation-state cyberattacks
2019-04-17Twitter (JohnLaTwC)John Lambert
Tweet on an unidentified VBS Backdoor
Unidentified VBS 001
2018-04-08Twitter (@JohnLaTwC)John Lambert
Tweet on ConMiner WebAssembly
2018-04-08Gist (JohnLaTwC)John Lambert
Cryptonight currency miner WASM
2018-02-20Twitter (@JohnLaTwC)John Lambert
Tweet on EvilOSX
2017-10-04Twitter (@JohnLaTwC)John Lambert
Tweet on Turla JS backdoor