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2021-09-08FireEyeLee Foster, Ryan Serabian
Pro-PRC Influence Campaign Expands to Dozens of Social Media Platforms, Websites, and Forums in at Least Seven Languages, Attempted to Physically Mobilize Protesters in the U.S.
2021-04-28FireEyeAlden Wahlstrom, Ben Read, David Mainor, Gabby Roncone, Lee Foster, Lindsay Smith, Sam Riddell
Ghostwriter Update: Cyber Espionage Group UNC1151 Likely Conducts Ghostwriter Influence Activity
2020-07-29FireEyeDavid Mainor, Gabby Roncone, Lee Foster, Sam Riddell
'Ghostwriter' Influence Campaign: Unknown Actors Leverage Website Compromises and Fabricated Content to Push Narratives Aligned With Russian Security Interests