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2018-03-30Trend MicroDavid Sancho, Massimiliano Michenz, Numaan Huq
Cashing in on ATM Malware: A Comprehensive Look at Various Attack Types
Project Alice ATMitch Ploutus ATM Ripper ATM Skimer SUCEFUL Tyupkin
2016-12-20Trend MicroDavid Sancho, Numaan Huq
Alice: A Lightweight, Compact, No-Nonsense ATM Malware
Project Alice
2016-09-19Trend MicroNumaan Huq
Untangling the Ripper ATM Malware
Ripper ATM
2014-10-27Trend MicroAlfred Remorin, Douglas Otis, Feike Hacquebord, Fernando Mercês, Jim Gogolinski, Loucif Kharouni, Numaan Huq
Operation Pawn Storm: Using Decoys to Evade Detection
Sedreco Seduploader APT28
2014-10-01Trend MicroAlfred Remorin, Douglas Otis, Feike Hacquebord, Fernando Mercês, Jim Gogolinski, Loucif Kharouni, Numaan Huq
Operation Pawn Storm: Using Decoys to Evade Detection
2014-09-01WiredNumaan Huq
PoS RAM Scraper Malware
Decebal rdasrv