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2024-02-21POLITICOAntoaneta Roussi
Brussels spyware bombshell: Surveillance software found on officials’ phones
2021-05-10POLITICOAndrew Desiderio, Lara Seligman
Russian spy unit suspected of directed-energy attacks on U.S. personnel
2021-05-10POLITICOAndrew Desiderio, Lara Seligman
Russian spy unit suspected of directed-energy attacks on U.S. personnel
2020-05-28POLITICOHans von der Burchard, Laurens Cerulus
Berlin seeks sanctions against Russian hackers over Bundestag cyberattack
2020-05-28POLITICOHans von der Burchard, Laurens Cerulus
Berlin seeks sanctions against Russian hackers over Bundestag cyberattack