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2021-02-09Cobalt StrikeRaphael Mudge
Learn Pipe Fitting for all of your Offense Projects
Cobalt Strike
2020-12-08Cobalt StrikeRaphael Mudge
A Red Teamer Plays with JARM
Cobalt Strike
2020-11-06Cobalt StrikeRaphael Mudge
Cobalt Strike 4.2 – Everything but the kitchen sink
Cobalt Strike
2020-06-19Youtube (Raphael Mudge)Raphael Mudge
Beacon Object Files - Luser Demo
Cobalt Strike
2020-03-04Cobalt StrikeRaphael Mudge
Cobalt Strike joins Core Impact at HelpSystems, LLC
Cobalt Strike
2019-12-05Raphael Mudge
Cobalt Strike 4.0 – Bring Your Own Weaponization
Cobalt Strike