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2020-10-28RiskIQSteve Ginty
Domain Impersonation Targets Saudi Arabian Government Ministries
2020-10-14RiskIQJon Gross, Steve Ginty
A Well-Marked Trail: Journeying through OceanLotus's Infrastructure
Cobalt Strike
2020-08-21RiskIQSteve Ginty
Pinchy Spider: Ransomware Infrastructure Connected to Dark Web Marketplace
2020-08-21Vimeo (RiskIQ)Josh Burgess, Steve Ginty
The Evolution of Ransomware & Pinchy Spider's Shot at the Title
Gandcrab REvil
2018-06-23passivetotalBrandon Dixon, Steve Ginty
OceanLotus 2018: Malicious Infrastructure
Unidentified JS 001 (APT32 Profiler)