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2025-01-17Twitter (@Unit42_Intel)Unit 42
Tweet about affiliates of DarkScorpius using Social Engineering via MS Teams
2023-04-11Twitter (@Unit42_Intel)Unit42
Tweet on change of IcedID backconnect traffic port from 8080 to 443
2021-11-17Twitter (@Unit42_Intel)Unit 42
Tweet on Matanbuchus Loader used to deliver Qakbot (tag obama128b) and follow-up CobaltStrike
Cobalt Strike QakBot
2021-11-05Twitter (@Unit42_Intel)Unit 42
Tweet on TA551 (Shathak) BazarLoader infection with CobaltStrike and DarkVNC drops
BazarBackdoor Cobalt Strike
2021-07-30Twitter (@Unit42_Intel)Unit 42
Tweet on BazarLoader infection leading to cobaltstrike and Powershell script file for PrintNightmare vulnerability
BazarBackdoor Cobalt Strike