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2020-07-13Stage 2 SecurityWaylon Grange
Anchor_dns malware goes cross platform
2017-04-18SymantecWaylon Grange
Hajime worm battles Mirai for control of the Internet of Things
2014-12-09Blue CoatSnorre Fagerland, Waylon Grange
Blue Coat Exposes “The Inception Framework”; Very Sophisticated, Layered Malware Attack Targeted at Military, Diplomats, and Business Execs
CloudAtlas Inception Framework
2014-12-09Blue CoatSnorre Fagerland, Waylon Grange
The Inception Framework: Cloud-hosted APT
Inception Framework
2014-12-09SymantecWaylon Grange
Blue Coat Exposes “The Inception Framework”; Very Sophisticated, Layered Malware Attack Targeted at Military, Diplomats, and Bus
Inception Framework