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2023-08-18TEAMT5Still Hsu, Zih-Cing Liao
Unmasking CamoFei: An In-depth Analysis of an Emerging APT Group Focused on Healthcare Sectors in East Asia
CatB Cobalt Strike DoorMe GIMMICK
2021-06-11TEAMT5Linda Kuo, Zih-Cing Liao
Story of the ‘Phisherman’ -Dissecting Phishing Techniques of CloudDragon APT (slides)
Appleseed BabyShark
2021-06-11YouTube (Hack In The Box Security Conference)Linda Kuo, Zih-Cing Liao
Dissecting Phishing Techniques Of CloudDragon APT
Appleseed BabyShark
2021-05-07TEAMT5Jhih-Lin Kuo, Zih-Cing Liao
"We Are About to Land": How CloudDragon Turns a Nightmare Into Reality
FlowerPower Appleseed BabyShark GoldDragon NavRAT