UAC-0118  (Back to overview)

aka: FRwL, FromRussiaWithLove

From Russia with Love, is a threat actor group that emerged during the Russia-Ukraine war in 2022. They primarily engage in DDoS attacks and have targeted critical infrastructure, media, energy, and government entities. FRwL has been linked to the use of the Somnia ransomware, which they employ as a wiper rather than for financial gain. While there is no direct evidence linking FRwL to the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate, it is possible that they coordinate activities with state-aligned hacktivist groups.

Associated Families

There are currently no families associated with this actor.

2023-06-13Outpost24Beatriz Pimenta Klein
ICS attack classifications: differentiating between cyberwarfare, cyberterrorism, and hacktivism
Russian hacktivists hit Ukrainian orgs with ransomware – but no ransom demands
2022-11-15SOC PrimeVeronika Telychko
Somnia Malware Detection: UAC-0118 aka FRwL Launches Cyber Attacks Against Organizations in Ukraine Using Enhanced Malware Strains
Cobalt Strike Vidar UAC-0118

Credits: MISP Project