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2022-05-07DoublePulsarKevin Beaumont
BPFDoor — an active Chinese global surveillance tool
2021-09-16Twitter (@GossiTheDog)Kevin Beaumont
Tweet on some unknown threat actor dropping Mgbot, custom IIS modular backdoor and cobalstrike using exploiting ProxyShell
Cobalt Strike MgBot
2021-07-03Medium DoublepulsarKevin Beaumont
Kaseya supply chain attack delivers mass ransomware event to US companies
2021-06-27Twitter (@GossiTheDog)Kevin Beaumont
Tweet on babuk ransomware builder
2020-12-19Twitter (@GossiTheDog)Kevin Beaumont
A twitter thread on Azure sentinel hunting queries for detecting UNC2452 activity
2020-10-16Medium DoublepulsarKevin Beaumont
Second Zerologon attacker seen exploiting internet honeypot
2019-03-21DoublePulsarKevin Beaumont
How Lockergoga took down Hydro — ransomware used in targeted attacks aimed at big business