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2021-10-26splunkMarcus LaFerrera
High(er) Fidelity Software Supply Chain Attack Detection
2021-04-22splunkDave Herrald, Drew Church, James Brodsky, John Stoner, Katie Brown, Marcus LaFerrera, Michael Natkin, Mick Baccio, Ryan Kovar
SUPERNOVA Redux, with a Generous Portion of Masquerading
2021-03-12splunkAmy Heng, Dave Herrald, Derek King, James Brodsky, John Stoner, Jose Hernandez, Marcus LaFerrera, Michael Haag, Mick Baccio, Ryan Kovar, Shannon Davis
Detecting Microsoft Exchange Vulnerabilities - 0 + 8 Days Later…
2021-01-08splunkJames Brodsky, John Stoner, Lily Lee, Marcus LaFerrera, Ryan Kovar
A Golden SAML Journey: SolarWinds Continued