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2021-12-20IronNetBrent Eskridge, Michael Leardi, Peter Rydzynski
Detecting anomalous network traffic resulting from a successful Log4j attack
2021-11-16IronNetIronNet Threat Research, Joey Fitzpatrick, Morgan Demboski, Peter Rydzynski
How IronNet's Behavioral Analytics Detect REvil and Conti Ransomware
Cobalt Strike Conti IcedID REvil
2021-10-12IronNetBrett Fitzpatrick, IronNet Threat Research, Joey Fitzpatrick, Morgan Demboski, Peter Rydzynski
Continued Exploitation of CVE-2021-26084
2020-12-21IronNetPeter Rydzynski
SolarWinds/SUNBURST: DGA or DNS Tunneling?