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Black Basta’s blunder: exploiting the gang’s leaked chats
Black Basta Black Basta
2025-03-06flareEstelle Ruellan, Oleg Lypko, Tammy Harper
Deciphering Black Basta’s Infrastructure from the Chat Leak
Black Basta Black Basta
2024-12-05Recorded FutureInsikt Group
BlueAlpha Abuses Cloudflare Tunneling Service for GammaDrop Staging Infrastructure
2024-09-25CloudflareCloudforce One
Unraveling SloppyLemming’s Operations Across South Asia
2024-07-30SpamhausSpamhaus Team
Too big to care? - Our disappointment with Cloudflare’s anti-abuse posture
2024-05-30CloudflareCloudforce One
Disrupting FlyingYeti's campaign targeting Ukraine
COOKBOX FlyingYeti
2024-05-30CloudflareCloudforce One
Disrupting FlyingYeti's campaign targeting Ukraine
2022-07-14CloudflareOmer Yoachimik
Mantis - the most powerful botnet to date
2022-07-13WeixinAntiy CERT
Confucius: The Angler Hidden Under CloudFlare
Quasar RAT
2022-03-03PARAFLAREBex Nitert
Luci Spools The Fun With Phobos Ransomware
2021-12-06PARAFLAREMelanie Ninovic
Attack Lifecycle Detection of an Operational Technology Breach
2021-11-09CloudflareOmer Yoachimik, Vivek Ganti
A Brief History of the Meris Botnet
2021-06-15PARAFLAREDaniel Eden
A Defender's Perspective of SSL VPN Exploitation
2020-12-18CloudflareJesse Kipp, Nick Blazier
A quirk in the SUNBURST DGA algorithm
2020-12-16CloudflareJesse Kipp, Malavika Balachandran Tadeusz
Trend data on the SolarWinds Orion compromise