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2021-09-08Medium s2wlabS2W TALON
Groove’s thoughts on Blackmatter, Babuk, and cheese shortages in the Netherlands
Babuk BlackMatter Babuk BlackMatter
2021-09-01Medium s2wlabChaewon Moon, Denise Dasom Kim, Jungyeon Lim, S2W LAB INTELLIGENCE TEAM, Sujin Lim, Yeonghyeon Jeong
BlackMatter x Babuk : Using the same web server for sharing leaked files
Babuk BlackMatter Babuk BlackMatter
2021-07-14Medium s2wlabJaeki Kim
Matryoshka : Variant of ROKRAT, APT37 (Scarcruft)
2021-07-08Medium s2wlabSojun Ryu
Analysis of Lazarus malware abusing Non-ActiveX Module in South Korea
Racket Downloader
2021-07-07Medium s2wlabSeunghoe Kim
Deep analysis of KPOT Stealer
KPOT Stealer
2021-06-23Medium s2wlabSojun Ryu
Deep analysis of REvil Ransomware
2021-06-03Medium s2wlabDenise Dasom Kim, Hyunmin Suh, Jungyeon Lim, YH Jeong
W1 Jun | EN | Story of the week: Ransomware on the Darkweb
DarkSide Babuk DarkSide
2021-05-28Medium s2wlabSojun Ryu
Deep Analysis of Vidar Stealer
2021-05-25Medium s2wlabDenise Dasom Kim, Hyunmin Suh, Jungyeon Lim
W4 May | EN | Story of the week: Ransomware on the Darkweb
Babuk REvil
2021-05-24Medium s2wlabSeunghoe Kim
Deep Analysis of Raccoon Stealer
2021-05-17Medium s2wlabDenise Dasom Kim, Hyunmin Suh, Jungyeon Lim, YH Jeong
W3 May | EN | Story of the week: Code Signing Certificate on the Darkweb
2021-02-15Medium s2wlabSojun Ryu
Operation SyncTrek
AbaddonPOS Azorult Clop DoppelDridex DoppelPaymer Dridex PwndLocker
2021-02-03Medium s2wlabHyunmin Suh, Minjei Cho
W1 Feb| EN | Story of the week: Stealers on the Darkweb
Azorult Raccoon Vidar
2021-01-26Medium s2wlabHyunmin Suh
W4 Jan | EN | Story of the week: Ransomware on the Darkweb
Avaddon Babuk LockBit