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2021-06-08CrowdStrikeHanno Heinrichs, Heather Smith
Another Brick in the Wall: eCrime Groups Leverage SonicWall VPN Vulnerability
2021-06-07ATOSLoïc Castel
Avaddon Ransomware Analysis
2021-06-07GraphikaThe Graphika Team
Posing as Patriots
2021-06-07KasperskyAnton Kuzmenko
Gootkit: the cautious Trojan
2021-06-07WiredAndy Greenberg
Ransomware Struck Another Pipeline Firm—and 70GB of Data Leaked
2021-06-07GdataKarsten Hahn
Malware family naming hell is our own fault
2021-06-07Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Daniel Prizmant
Siloscape: First Known Malware Targeting Windows Containers to Compromise Cloud Environments
2021-06-07Department of JusticeOffice of Public Affairs
Department of Justice Seizes $2.3 Million in Cryptocurrency Paid to the Ransomware Extortionists Darkside
2021-06-07KrebsOnSecurityBrian Krebs
Adventures in Contacting the Russian FSB
2021-06-07Twitter (@James_inthe_box)James_inthe_box
Tweet on characteristic strings in snake keylogger
404 Keylogger
2021-06-07Medium walmartglobaltechJason Reaves, Joshua Platt
Inside the SystemBC Malware-As-A-Service
Ryuk SystemBC TrickBot
2021-06-06Bleeping ComputerLawrence Abrams
New Evil Corp ransomware mimics PayloadBin gang to evade US sanctions
Babuk FriedEx PayloadBIN WastedLocker
2021-06-05PrevailionDanny Adamitis
The Gh0st remain the same
Prometheus: An Emerging Ransomware Group Using Thanos Ransomware To Target Organizations
2021-06-05Anchored Narratives on Threat Intelligence and GeopoliticsRJM
Geopolitical nation-state threat actor overview May 2021
2021-06-04AhnLabAhnLab ASEC Analysis Team
APT Attacks on Domestic Companies Using Library Files
2021-06-04RiskIQTeam RiskIQ
The Sysrv-hello Cryptojacking Botnet: Here’s What’s New
2021-06-04Github (NightfallGT)NightfallGT
MercurialGrabber Github Repository
2021-06-04Twitter (@alex_lanstein)Alex Lanstein
Tweet on UNC2652/NOBELIUM targeting IOS users exploiting CVE-​2021-1879
Cobalt Strike
2021-06-04DeepInstinctBar Block
The Ransomware Conundrum – A Look into DarkSide