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2021-02-19The RecordAdam Janofsky, Timo Steffens
Cyber Attribution Is More Art Than Science. This Researcher Has a Plan to Change That
2021-02-19Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Dominik Reichel
IronNetInjector: Turla’s New Malware Loading Tool
Agent.BTZ IronNetInjector TurlaRPC
2021-02-18SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Lazarus: Three North Koreans Charged for Financially Motivated Attacks
AppleJeus POOLRAT Unidentified macOS 001 (UnionCryptoTrader) AppleJeus Unidentified 077 (Lazarus Downloader)
Poet RAT Gravity RAT Ketrican Okrum OopsIE Remcos RogueRobinNET RokRAT SmokeLoader
One thousand and one ways to copy your shellcode to memory (VBA Macros)
2021-02-18BitdefenderCristina Vatamanu, Gheorghe Adrian Schipor, Rickey Gevers
Iranian APT Makes a Comeback with “Thunder and Lightning” Backdoor and Espionage Combo
Infy Tonnerre
2021-02-18Red CanaryTony Lambert
Clipping Silver Sparrow’s wings: Outing macOS malware before it takes flight
Silver Sparrow
2021-02-18JPCERT/CCKota Kino
Further Updates in LODEINFO Malware
2021-02-18NTT SecurityHiroki Hada
nccTrojan used in targeted attack by TA428 group against defense and aviation organizations
2021-02-18MicrosoftMSRC Team
Microsoft Internal Solorigate Investigation – Final Update
Malware Analysis Report (AR21-048E): AppleJeus: CoinGoTrade
AppleJeus POOLRAT AppleJeus
Malware Analysis Report (AR21-048C): AppleJeus: Union Crypto
AppleJeus Unidentified macOS 001 (UnionCryptoTrader) AppleJeus
Malware Analysis Report (AR21-048F): AppleJeus: Dorusio
AppleJeus AppleJeus Unidentified 077 (Lazarus Downloader)
2021-02-17G DataKarsten Hahn
SectopRAT: New version adds encrypted communication
2021-02-17K7 SecurityLokesh J
GuLoader Snowballs via MalSpam Campaigns
2021-02-17YouTube (AGDC Services)AGDC Services
How Malware Can Resolve APIs By Hash
Emotet Mailto
2021-02-17Politie NLPolitie NL
Politie bestrijdt cybercrime via Nederlandse infrastructuur
2021-02-17AquasecAssaf Morag
Threat Alert: TeamTNT Pwn Campaign Against Docker and K8s Environments
Understand Shellcode with CyberChef
2021-02-17Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Nathaniel Quist
WatchDog: Exposing a Cryptojacking Campaign That’s Operated for Two Years