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2023-03-13SentinelOneJim Walter
CatB Ransomware | File Locker Sharpens Its Claws to Steal Data with MSDTC Service DLL Hijacking
2023-03-09State Service of Special Communication and Information Protection of Ukraine (CIP)
Russia's Cyber Tactics: Lessons Learned 2022
2023-03-08MandiantBen Read, DANIEL LEE, Stephen Eckels
Suspected Chinese Campaign to Persist on SonicWall Devices, Highlights Importance of Monitoring Edge Devices
2023-02-16EclecticIQEclecticIQ Threat Research Team
Three Cases of Cyber Attacks on the Security Service of Ukraine and NATO Allies, Likely by Russian State-Sponsored Gamaredon
2023-02-14IntrinsecCTI Intrinsec, Intrinsec
Vice-Society spreads its own ransomware
HelloKitty PolyVice Zeppelin
2023-01-26Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Jen Miller-Osborn, Mike Harbison
Chinese PlugX Malware Hidden in Your USB Devices?
2022-12-22Sentinel LABSAntonio Cocomazzi
Custom-Branded Ransomware: The Vice Society Group and the Threat of Outsourced Development
Curator PolyVice
Global crackdown against DDoS services shuts down most popular platforms
Zombinder: new obfuscation service used by Ermac, now distributed next to desktop stealers
ERMAC Xenomorph
2022-11-26BushidoToken BlogBushidoToken
Detecting and Fingerprinting Infostealer Malware-as-a-Service platforms
CollectorGoomba Misha TitanStealer
2022-11-09Security IntelligenceJonathan Reed
Ransomware-as-a-Service Transforms Gangs Into Businesses
Eternity Stealer
2022-10-25MicrosoftMicrosoft Security Threat Intelligence
DEV-0832 (Vice Society) opportunistic ransomware campaigns impacting US education sector
BlackCat Mount Locker Zeppelin Vanilla Tempest
2022-10-24Medium s2wlabLee Sebin, Shin Yeongjae
Unveil the evolution of Kimsuky targeting Android devices with newly discovered mobile malware
FastFire FastSpy
2022-10-17SecurityScorecardVlad Pasca
A Detailed Analysis of the Gafgyt Malware Targeting IoT Devices
2022-10-12SentinelOneAmitai Ben Shushan Ehrlich, Joey Chen
WIP19 Espionage | New Chinese APT Targets IT Service Providers and Telcos With Signed Malware
Maggie ScreenCap WIP19
2022-10-06AonAndre Maccarone, Chapin Bryce, John Ailes
Amazon Web Services: Exploring The Cost Of Exfil
New Spyware RatMilad Targets Middle Eastern Mobile Devices
2022-09-22deepwatchBen Nichols, Eric Ford
Is Gootloader Working with a Foreign Intelligence Service?
2022-09-21MicrosoftAbhishek Pustakala, Harshita Tripathi, Microsoft 365 Defender Research Team, Shivang Desai
Rewards plus: Fake mobile banking rewards apps lure users to install info-stealing RAT on Android devices
2022-09-19CyberScoopAJ Vicens
Hacking group focused on Central America dumps 10 terabytes of military emails, files