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Stealth Mango & Tangelo Technical Report
Stealth Mango
2018-05-14FireEyeHassan Faizan, Irshad Muhammad, Shahzad Ahmed, Zain Gardezi
A Deep Dive Into RIG Exploit Kit Delivering Grobios Trojan
2018-05-12Random REJason Reaves
MS Crypto Derive Functions
2018-05-12Security 0wnageUnknownUnknown
PRB-Backdoor - A Fully Loaded PowerShell Backdoor with Evil Intentions
2018-05-11Think BigElevenPaths
New report: Malware attacks Chilean banks and bypasses SmartScreen, by exploiting DLL Hijacking within popular software
2018-05-11SOC PrimeSOC Prime
Attackers Exploit DLL Hijacking to Bypass SmartScreen
TreasureHunter Point-of-Sale Malware and Builder Source Code Leaked
2018-05-09KasperskyAnton Ivanov, Boris Larin, Vladislav Stolyarov
The King is dead. Long live the King!
2018-05-09COUNT UPON SECURITYLuis Rocha
Malware Analysis - PlugX - Part 2
2018-05-09F5Doron Voolf
Panda Malware Broadens Targets to Cryptocurrency Exchanges and Social Media
2018-05-09Cisco TalosChristopher Marczewski, Nick Biasini, Nick Lister
Gandcrab Ransomware Walks its Way onto Compromised Sites
2018-05-08Security 0wnageMo Bustami
Clearing the MuddyWater - Analysis of new MuddyWater Samples
2018-05-08AP NewsRaphael Satter
Russian hackers posed as IS to threaten military wives
2018-05-08Bleeping ComputerCatalin Cimpanu
"Hide and Seek" Becomes First IoT Botnet Capable of Surviving Device Reboots
Hide and Seek
2018-05-07BitdefenderBogdan Botezatu
Hide and Seek IoT Botnet resurfaces with new tricks, persistence
Hide and Seek
2018-05-07Kaspersky LabsAnton Ivanov, Fedor Sinitsyn, Orkhan Mamedov
SynAck targeted ransomware uses the Doppelgänging technique
2018-05-07European Association for Secure TransactionsEuropean Association for Secure Transactions
EAST Publishes European Fraud Update 2-2018
2018-05-04AvastAdolf Středa, Jan Širmer
Botception with Necurs: Botnet distributes script with bot capabilities
2018-05-03Kaspersky LabsAlexey Firsh
Who’s who in the Zoo
ZooPark ZooPark
2018-05-03McAfeeItai Liba, James Walter, Ryan Sherstobitoff
Dissecting Operation Troy: Cyberespionage in South Korea
concealment_troy http_troy Lazarus Group