APT41  (Back to overview)

aka: Amoeba, BARIUM, BRONZE ATLAS, BRONZE EXPORT, Blackfly, Brass Typhoon, Earth Baku, G0044, G0096, Grayfly, HOODOO, LEAD, Red Kelpie, TA415, WICKED PANDA, WICKED SPIDER

APT41 is a prolific cyber threat group that carries out Chinese state-sponsored espionage activity in addition to financially motivated activity potentially outside of state control.

Associated Families
apk.dragonegg apk.wyrmspy elf.messagetap win.biopass win.coldlock win.crackshot win.dboxagent win.easynight win.highnoon win.highnoon_bin win.jumpall win.serialvlogger win.zxshell win.pinegrove win.acehash win.blackcoffee win.crosswalk win.derusbi win.dusttrap win.gearshift win.lowkey win.moonbounce win.moonwalk win.skip20 win.chinachopper win.plugx elf.keyplug win.poisonplug win.cobalt_strike win.shadowpad

2025-01-29GoogleConor Quigley, Luke Jenkins, Nino Isakovic
ScatterBrain: Unmasking the Shadow of PoisonPlug's Obfuscator
Mapping Suspected KEYPLUG Infrastructure: TLS Certificates, GhostWolf, and RedGolf/APT41 Activity
2025-01-21Trend MicroLeon Chang, Theo Chen
Game of Emperor: Unveiling Long Term Earth Estries Cyber Intrusions
Cobalt Strike HemiGate ShadowPad SNAPPYBEE SparrowDoor UNC4841
2025-01-14Department of JusticeOffice of Public Affairs
Justice Department and FBI Conduct International Operation to Delete Malware Used by China-Backed Hackers
2025-01-10SpamhausSpamhaus Malware Labs
Spamhaus Botnet Threat Update July to December 2024
Coper FluBot Hook Mirai FAKEUPDATES AsyncRAT BianLian Brute Ratel C4 Cobalt Strike DanaBot DCRat Havoc Latrodectus NjRAT Quasar RAT RedLine Stealer Remcos Rhadamanthys Sliver Stealc
2025-01-09Recorded FutureInsikt Group
Chinese State-Sponsored RedDelta Targeted Taiwan, Mongolia, and Southeast Asia with Adapted PlugX Infection Chain
Golang Beacons and VS Code Tunnels: Tracking a Cobalt Strike Server Leveraging Trusted Infrastructure
Cobalt Strike
Rare Watermark Links Cobalt Strike 4.10 Team Servers to Ongoing Suspicious Activity
Cobalt Strike
2024-11-12Recorded FutureInsikt Group
China-Nexus TAG-112 Compromises Tibetan Websites to Distribute Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike TAG-112
2024-11-12Recorded FutureInsikt Group
China-Nexus TAG-112 Compromises Tibetan Websites to Distribute Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike
Tricks, Treats, and Threats: Cobalt Strike & the Goblin Lurking in Plain Sight
Cobalt Strike
2024-10-24SeqriteSubhajeet Singha
Operation Cobalt Whisper: Threat Actor Targets Multiple Industries Across Hong Kong and Pakistan
Cobalt Strike Operation Cobalt Whisper
2024-10-23Cisco TalosEdmund Brumaghin, Holger Unterbrink, Jordyn Dunk, Nicole Hoffman
Highlighting TA866/Asylum Ambuscade Activity Since 2021
WasabiSeed Cobalt Strike csharp-streamer RAT Resident Rhadamanthys WarmCookie
2024-10-23Cisco TalosEdmund Brumaghin, Holger Unterbrink, Jordyn Dunk, Nicole Hoffman
Threat Spotlight: WarmCookie/BadSpace
Cobalt Strike csharp-streamer RAT WarmCookie
Unmasking Adversary Infrastructure: How Certificates and Redirects Exposed Earth Baxia and PlugX Activity
2024-09-19Trend MicroCyris Tseng, Philip Chen, Pierre Lee, Sunny Lu, Ted Lee
Earth Baxia Uses Spear-Phishing and GeoServer Exploit to Target APAC (IoCs)
Cobalt Strike Earth Baxia
2024-09-19Trend MicroCyris Tseng, Philip Chen, Pierre Lee, Sunny Lu, Ted Lee
Earth Baxia Uses Spear-Phishing and GeoServer Exploit to Target APAC
Cobalt Strike Earth Baxia
2024-09-10Talos IntelligenceJoey Chen
DragonRank, a Chinese-speaking SEO manipulator service provider
IISpy PlugX DragonRank
2024-08-29SecuronixDen Iyzvyk, Tim Peck
From Cobalt Strike to Mimikatz: A Deep Dive into the SLOW#TEMPEST Campaign Targeting Chinese Users
Cobalt Strike MimiKatz
2024-08-26The DFIR ReportThe DFIR Report
BlackSuit Ransomware
BlackSuit Cobalt Strike SystemBC
2024-08-23TEAMT5Still Hsu
Sailing the Seven SEAs: Deep Dive into Polaris' Arsenal and Intelligence Insights
Cobalt Strike Hodur PlugX TONESHELL
2024-08-23ITOCHUSuguru Ishimaru, Yusuke Niwa
Pirates of The Nang Hai: Follow the Artifacts No One Know
Cobalt Strike Xiangoop
2024-08-22NTTRintaro Koike
AppDomainManager Injectionを悪用したマルウェアによる攻撃について
Cobalt Strike Earth Baxia
2024-08-21TG SoftC.R.A.M.
Chinese APT abuses MSC files with GrimResource vulnerability
Cobalt Strike Earth Baxia
2024-08-04Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Decoding a Cobalt Strike Downloader Script With CyberChef
Cobalt Strike
2024-08-01CiscoAshley Shen, Joey Chen, Vitor Ventura
APT41 likely compromised Taiwanese government-affiliated research institute with ShadowPad and Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike ShadowPad
2024-07-25SOC PrimeVeronika Telychko
UAC-0057 Attack Detection: A Surge in Adversary Activity Distributing PICASSOLOADER and Cobalt Strike Beacon
Cobalt Strike PicassoLoader Ghostwriter
2024-07-22CensysCensys, Embee_research
A Beginner’s Guide to Hunting Malicious Open Directories
Cobalt Strike Lumma Stealer Vidar
2024-07-18MandiantJared Wilson, Jonathan Lepore, Luis Rocha, Mike Stokkel, Pierre Gerlings, RENATO FONTANA, Stephen Eckels
APT41 Has Arisen From the DUST
Cobalt Strike
2024-07-18MandiantMike Stokkel
APT41 Has Arisen From the DUST
2024-07-16Recorded FutureInsikt Group
TAG-100 Uses Open-Source Tools in Suspected Global Espionage Campaign, Compromising Two Asia-Pacific Intergovernmental Bodies
Cobalt Strike
2024-07-11ZscalerSudeep Singh, Yin Hong Chang
MoonWalk: A deep dive into the updated arsenal of APT41 | Part 2
2024-07-10ZscalerSudeep Singh, Yin Hong Chang
DodgeBox: A deep dive into the updated arsenal of APT41 | Part 1
2024-07-09SpamhausSpamhaus Malware Labs
Spamhaus Botnet Threat Update January to June 2024
Coper FluBot Hook Bashlite Mirai FAKEUPDATES AsyncRAT BianLian Cobalt Strike DCRat Havoc NjRAT QakBot Quasar RAT RedLine Stealer Remcos Rhadamanthys RisePro Sliver
2024-07-02SekoiaQuentin Bourgue
Exposing FakeBat loader: distribution methods and adversary infrastructure
BlackCat Royal Ransom EugenLoader Carbanak Cobalt Strike DICELOADER Gozi IcedID Lumma Stealer NetSupportManager RAT Pikabot RedLine Stealer SectopRAT Sliver SmokeLoader Vidar
2024-06-21ElasticJoe Desimone, Samir Bousseaden
GrimResource - Microsoft Management Console for initial access and evasion
Cobalt Strike
2024-06-03SYGNIASygnia Team
China-Nexus Threat Group ‘Velvet Ant’ Abuses F5 Load Balancers for Persistence
2024-05-23CheckpointCheckpoint Research
Sharp dragon expands towards africa and the caribbean
5.t Downloader Cobalt Strike
2024-05-23Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Daniel Frank, Lior Rochberger
Operation Diplomatic Specter: An Active Chinese Cyberespionage Campaign Leverages Rare Tool Set to Target Governmental Entities in the Middle East, Africa and Asia
Agent Racoon CHINACHOPPER Ghost RAT JuicyPotato MimiKatz Ntospy PlugX SweetSpecter TunnelSpecter CL-STA-0043
2024-05-23ITOCHUITOCHU Cyber & Intelligence Inc.
Malware Transmutation! - Unveiling the Hidden Traces of BloodAlchemy
BloodAlchemy ShadowPad
2024-05-23Check PointCheck Point
Chinese Espionage Campaign Expands to Target Africa and The Caribbean
5.t Downloader Cobalt Strike
2024-05-21YoroiCarmelo Ragusa, Luigi Martire
Uncovering an undetected KeyPlug implant attacking industries in Italy
2024-05-15MicrosoftMicrosoft Threat Intelligence
Threat actors misusing Quick Assist in social engineering attacks leading to ransomware
Black Basta Cobalt Strike QakBot
2024-05-15MicrosoftMicrosoft Threat Intelligence
Threat actors misusing Quick Assist in social engineering attacks leading to ransomware
Black Basta Cobalt Strike QakBot SystemBC
2024-05-14KasperskyBoris Larin, Mert Degirmenci
QakBot attacks with Windows zero-day (CVE-2024-30051)
Cobalt Strike QakBot
2024-05-10Rapid7 LabsEvan McCann, Thomas Elkins, Tyler McGraw
Ongoing Social Engineering Campaign Linked to Black Basta Ransomware Operators
Black Basta Black Basta Cobalt Strike NetSupportManager RAT
Finding Malware: Detecting SOGU with Google Security Operations.
2024-04-24SecuronixDen Iyzvyk, Oleg Kolesnikov, Tim Peck
Analysis of Ongoing FROZEN#SHADOW Attack Campaign Leveraging SSLoad Malware and RMM Software for Domain Takeover
Cobalt Strike Latrodectus
2024-04-19Spiegel OnlineChristoph Giesen, Hakan Tanriverdi, Simon Hage
VW-Konzern wurde jahrelang ausspioniert – von China?
2024-04-02Trend MicroChristopher So
Earth Freybug Uses UNAPIMON for Unhooking Critical APIs
APT41 Earth Freybug
2024-04-01The DFIR ReportThe DFIR Report
From OneNote to RansomNote: An Ice Cold Intrusion
Cobalt Strike IcedID Nokoyawa Ransomware PhotoLoader
2024-03-18Trend MicroDaniel Lunghi, Joseph C Chen
Earth Krahang Exploits Intergovernmental Trust to Launch Cross-Government Attacks
DinodasRAT PlugX Reshell ShadowPad Earth Krahang
Anxun and Chinese APT Activity
2024-03-01HarfangLabHarfangLab CTI
A Comprehensive Analysis of i-SOON’s Commercial Offering
ShadowPad Winnti
2024-03-01Medium b.magnezi0xMrMagnezi
Malware Analysis - Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike
2024-02-21YouTube (SentinelOne)Kris McConkey
LABSCon23 Replay | Chasing Shadows | The rise of a prolific espionage actor
9002 RAT PlugX ShadowPad Spyder Earth Lusca
2024-02-09CensysCensys, Embee_research
A Beginners Guide to Tracking Malware Infrastructure
AsyncRAT BianLian Cobalt Strike QakBot
2024-02-09Hunt.ioMichael R
Tracking ShadowPad Infrastructure Via Non-Standard Certificates
2024-02-08YouTube (Embee Research)Embee_research
Cobalt Strike Decoding and C2 Extraction - 3 Minute Malware Analysis Speedrun
Cobalt Strike
2024-01-26TrendmicroHara Hiroaki, Masaoki Shoji, Nick Dai, Vickie Su, Yuka Higashi
Spot the Difference: An Analysis of the New LODEINFO Campaign by Earth Kasha
2024-01-25JSAC 2024Yi-Chin Chuang, Yu-Tung Chang
Unveiling TeleBoyi: Chinese APT Group Targeting Critical Infrastructure Worldwide
2024-01-25JSAC 2024Hara Hiroaki, Kawakami Ryonosuke, Shota Nakajima
The Secret Life of RATs: connecting the dots by dissecting multiple backdoors
DracuLoader GroundPeony HemiGate PlugX
Stately Taurus Targets Myanmar Amidst Concerns over Military Junta’s Handling of Rebel Attacks
2024-01-21Mahmoud Zohdy BlogMahmoud Zohdy
A Look into PlugX Kernel driver
2024-01-13YouTube (Embee Research)Embee_research
Cobalt Strike Shellcode Analysis and C2 Extraction
Cobalt Strike
2024-01-12SpamhausSpamhaus Malware Labs
Spamhaus Botnet Threat Update Q4 2023
FluBot Hook FAKEUPDATES AsyncRAT BianLian Cobalt Strike DCRat Havoc IcedID Lumma Stealer Meterpreter NjRAT Pikabot QakBot Quasar RAT RecordBreaker RedLine Stealer Remcos Rhadamanthys Sliver
2024-01-09Recorded FutureInsikt Group
2023 Adversary Infrastructure Report
AsyncRAT Cobalt Strike Emotet PlugX ShadowPad
2024-01-04NetresecErik Hjelmvik
Hunting for Cobalt Strike in PCAP
Cobalt Strike
2023-12-20Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Defeating Obfuscated Malware Scripts - Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike
2023-12-19Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Free Ghidra Tutorials for Beginners
Cobalt Strike DarkGate
2023-12-18Medium (Cryptax)Axelle Apvrille
Organizing malware analysis with Colander: example on Android/WyrmSpy
2023-12-11Sentinel LABSAleksandar Milenkoski, Bendik Hagen
Sandman APT | China-Based Adversaries Embrace Lua
2023-12-08Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Ghidra Basics - Manual Shellcode Analysis and C2 Extraction
Cobalt Strike
2023-12-06splunkSplunk Threat Research Team
Unmasking the Enigma: A Historical Dive into the World of PlugX Malware
2023-12-04The DFIR ReportThe DFIR Report
SQL Brute Force leads to Bluesky Ransomware
BlueSky Cobalt Strike
2023-11-19Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Combining Pivot Points to Identify Malware Infrastructure - Redline, Smokeloader and Cobalt Strike
Amadey Cobalt Strike RedLine Stealer SmokeLoader
2023-11-14Medium joshuapenny88Joshua Penny
Hook Hydra Cobalt Strike SectopRAT
The New APT Group DarkCasino and the Global Surge in WinRAR 0-Day Exploits
Cobalt Strike Konni DarkCasino Opal Sleet
New Gootloader Variant “GootBot” Changes the Game in Malware Tactics
GootLoader Cobalt Strike UNC2565
2023-11-07Youtube (Virus Bulletin)Daniel Lunghi
Possible supply chain attack targeting South Asian government delivers Shadowpad
2023-11-06Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Unpacking Malware With Hardware Breakpoints - Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike
2023-11-01nccgroupMick Koomen
Popping Blisters for research: An overview of past payloads and exploring recent developments
Blister Cobalt Strike
2023-10-23Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Cobalt Strike .VBS Loader - Decoding with Advanced CyberChef and Emulation
Cobalt Strike
2023-10-20Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Decoding a Cobalt Strike .hta Loader Using CyberChef and Emulation
Cobalt Strike
2023-10-18Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Ghidra Tutorial - Using Entropy To Locate a Cobalt Strike Decryption Function
Cobalt Strike
2023-10-12SpamhausSpamhaus Malware Labs
Spamhaus Botnet Threat Update Q3 2023
FluBot AsyncRAT Ave Maria Cobalt Strike DCRat Havoc IcedID ISFB Nanocore RAT NjRAT QakBot Quasar RAT RecordBreaker RedLine Stealer Remcos Rhadamanthys Sliver Stealc Tofsee Vidar
2023-10-12NetresecErik Hjelmvik
Forensic Timeline of an IcedID Infection
Cobalt Strike IcedID IcedID Downloader
2023-10-10SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Grayling: Previously Unseen Threat Actor Targets Multiple Organizations in Taiwan
Cobalt Strike Havoc MimiKatz Grayling
2023-10-04Trend MicroDaniel Lunghi
Possible supply chain attack targeting Pakistan government delivers ShadowPad
2023-10-04Trend MicroDaniel Lunghi
Possible supply chain attack targeting Pakistan government delivers Shadowpad (Slides)
2023-10-03Malware Traffic AnalysisBrad Duncan
2023-10-03 (Tuesday) - PikaBot infection with Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike Pikabot
LightSpy mAPT Mobile Payment System Attack
DragonEgg WyrmSpy lightSpy
2023-09-22MandiantDan Black, Josh Atkins, Luke Jenkins
Backchannel Diplomacy: APT29’s Rapidly Evolving Diplomatic Phishing Operations
Brute Ratel C4 Cobalt Strike EnvyScout GraphDrop QUARTERRIG sRDI Unidentified 107 (APT29)
2023-09-22Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Lior Rochberger, Robert Falcone, Tom Fakterman
Cyberespionage Attacks Against Southeast Asian Government Linked to Stately Taurus, Aka Mustang Panda
Cobalt Strike MimiKatz RemCom ShadowPad TONESHELL
FIN12: A Cybercriminal Group with Multiple Ransomware
BlackCat Cobalt Strike Conti Hive MimiKatz Nokoyawa Ransomware PLAY Royal Ransom Ryuk SystemBC
2023-09-12SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Redfly: Espionage Actors Continue to Target Critical Infrastructure
ShadowPad Redfly
2023-09-08PolySwarm Tech TeamThe Hivemind
Carderbee Targets Hong Kong in Supply Chain Attack
PlugX Carderbee
2023-09-07SekoiaJamila B.
My Tea’s not cold. An overview of China’s cyber threat
Melofee PingPull SoWaT Sword2033 MgBot MQsTTang PlugX TONESHELL Dalbit MirrorFace
2023-08-30Trend MicroGilbert Sison, Hara Hiroaki, Lenart Bermejo, Leon M Chang, Ted Lee
Earth Estries Targets Government, Tech for Cyberespionage
Cobalt Strike HemiGate Earth Estries
2023-08-28The DFIR ReportThe DFIR Report
HTML Smuggling Leads to Domain Wide Ransomware
Cobalt Strike IcedID Nokoyawa Ransomware
2023-08-22SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Carderbee: APT Group use Legit Software in Supply Chain Attack Targeting Orgs in Hong Kong
PlugX Carderbee
2023-08-18TEAMT5Still Hsu, Zih-Cing Liao
Unmasking CamoFei: An In-depth Analysis of an Emerging APT Group Focused on Healthcare Sectors in East Asia
CatB Cobalt Strike DoorMe GIMMICK
2023-08-18d01aMohamed Adel
Understanding Syscalls: Direct, Indirect, and Cobalt Strike Implementation
Cobalt Strike
2023-08-17SentinelOneAleksandar Milenkoski, Tom Hegel
Chinese Entanglement | DLL Hijacking in the Asian Gambling Sector
2023-08-07Recorded FutureInsikt Group
RedHotel: A Prolific, Chinese State-Sponsored Group Operating at a Global Scale
Winnti Brute Ratel C4 Cobalt Strike FunnySwitch PlugX ShadowPad Spyder Earth Lusca
2023-07-29GoogleGoogle Cybersecurity Action Team
Threat Horizons August 2023 Threat Horizons Report
SharkBot Cobalt Strike
2023-07-19LookoutJustin Albrecht, Kristina Balaam
Lookout Attributes Advanced Android Surveillanceware to Chinese Espionage Group APT41
DragonEgg WyrmSpy
2023-07-14Trend MicroDaniel Lunghi
Possible Supply-Chain Attack Targeting Pakistani Government Delivers Shadowpad
ShadowPad DriftingCloud Tonto Team
2023-07-11SpamhausSpamhaus Malware Labs
Spamhaus Botnet Threat Update Q2 2023
Hydra AsyncRAT Aurora Stealer Ave Maria BumbleBee Cobalt Strike DCRat Havoc IcedID ISFB NjRAT QakBot Quasar RAT RecordBreaker RedLine Stealer Remcos Rhadamanthys Sliver Tofsee
2023-07-11MandiantNg Choon Kiat, Rommel Joven
The Spies Who Loved You: Infected USB Drives to Steal Secrets
Beyond appearances: unknown actor using APT29’s TTP against Chinese users
Cobalt Strike
2023-06-30K7 SecurityDhanush
Cobalt Strike’s Deployment with Hardware Breakpoint for AMSI Bypass
Cobalt Strike
2023-06-16Palo Alto Networks: Cortex Threat ResearchLior Rochberger
Through the Cortex XDR Lens: Uncovering a New Activity Group Targeting Governments in the Middle East and Africa
2023-06-16SOC PrimeVeronika Telychko
PicassoLoader and Cobalt Strike Beacon Detection: UAC-0057 aka GhostWriter Hacking Group Attacks the Ukrainian Leading Military Educational Institution
Cobalt Strike PicassoLoader Ghostwriter
eSentire Threat Intelligence Malware Analysis: Resident Campaign
Cobalt Strike Resident Rhadamanthys WarmCookie
2023-06-10The DFIR ReportThe DFIR Report
IcedID Brings ScreenConnect and CSharp Streamer to ALPHV Ransomware Deployment
BlackCat Cobalt Strike IcedID
2023-06-08Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Practical Queries for Identifying Malware Infrastructure: An informal page for storing Censys/Shodan queries
Amadey AsyncRAT Cobalt Strike QakBot Quasar RAT Sliver solarmarker
2023-06-08VMRayPatrick Staubmann
Busy Bees - The Transformation of BumbleBee
BumbleBee Cobalt Strike Conti Meterpreter Sliver
2023-05-15SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Lancefly: Group Uses Custom Backdoor to Target Orgs in Government, Aviation, Other Sectors
Merdoor PlugX ShadowPad ZXShell Lancefly
Malware development trick - part 28: Dump lsass.exe. Simple C++ example.
Cobalt Strike APT3 Keylogger
New Mustang Panda’s campaing against Australia
2023-04-20Github (dodo-sec)dodo-sec
An analysis of syscall usage in Cobalt Strike Beacons
Cobalt Strike
2023-04-20SecureworksCounter Threat Unit ResearchTeam
Bumblebee Malware Distributed Via Trojanized Installer Downloads
BumbleBee Cobalt Strike
M-Trends 2023
QUIETEXIT AppleJeus Black Basta BlackCat CaddyWiper Cobalt Strike Dharma HermeticWiper Hive INDUSTROYER2 Ladon LockBit Meterpreter PartyTicket PlugX QakBot REvil Royal Ransom SystemBC WhisperGate
2023-04-12SpamhausSpamhaus Malware Labs
Spamhaus Botnet Threat Update Q1 2023
FluBot Amadey AsyncRAT Aurora Ave Maria BumbleBee Cobalt Strike DCRat Emotet IcedID ISFB NjRAT QakBot RecordBreaker RedLine Stealer Remcos Rhadamanthys Sliver Tofsee Vidar
2023-04-03The DFIR ReportThe DFIR Report
Malicious ISO File Leads to Domain Wide Ransomware
Cobalt Strike IcedID Mount Locker
2023-03-30United States District Court (Eastern District of New York)Fortra, HEALTH-ISAC, Microsoft
Cracked Cobalt Strike (1:23-cv-02447)
Black Basta BlackCat LockBit RagnarLocker LockBit Black Basta BlackCat Cobalt Strike Cuba Emotet LockBit Mount Locker PLAY QakBot RagnarLocker Royal Ransom Zloader
2023-03-30Recorded FutureInsikt Group
With KEYPLUG, China’s RedGolf Spies On, Steals From Wide Field of Targets
KEYPLUG Cobalt Strike PlugX RedGolf
2023-03-30eSentireeSentire Threat Response Unit (TRU)
eSentire Threat Intelligence Malware Analysis: BatLoader
BATLOADER Cobalt Strike ISFB SystemBC Vidar
Mélofée: a new alien malware in the Panda's toolset targeting Linux hosts
HelloBot Melofee Winnti Cobalt Strike SparkRAT STOWAWAY
2023-03-27GoogleGoogle Cybersecurity Action Team
Threat Horizons: April 2023 Threat Horizons Report
Gdrive APT41
2023-03-10Medium walmartglobaltechJason Reaves, Joshua Platt
From Royal With Love
Cobalt Strike Conti PLAY Royal Ransom Somnia
PlugX Malware Being Distributed via Vulnerability Exploitation
2023-03-09SophosGabor Szappanos
A border-hopping PlugX USB worm takes its act on the road
2023-03-01ZscalerMeghraj Nandanwar, Shatak Jain
OneNote: A Growing Threat for Malware Distribution
AsyncRAT Cobalt Strike IcedID QakBot RedLine Stealer
2023-02-24Trend MicroBuddy Tancio, Catherine Loveria, Jed Valderama
Investigating the PlugX Trojan Disguised as a Legitimate Windows Debugger Tool
2023-02-23BitdefenderBitdefender Team, Martin Zugec
Technical Advisory: Various Threat Actors Targeting ManageEngine Exploit CVE-2022-47966
Cobalt Strike DarkComet QuiteRAT RATel
2023-02-22SymantecSymantec Threat Hunter Team
Hydrochasma: Previously Unknown Group Targets Medical and Shipping Organizations in Asia
Cobalt Strike
2023-02-14CybereasonCybereason Incident Response (IR) team
GootLoader - SEO Poisoning and Large Payloads Leading to Compromise
GootLoader Cobalt Strike SystemBC
Dalbit (m00nlight): Chinese Hacker Group’s APT Attack Campaign
Godzilla Webshell ASPXSpy BlueShell CHINACHOPPER Cobalt Strike Ladon MimiKatz Dalbit
2023-02-13KrollLaurie Iacono, Stephen Green
Royal Ransomware Deep Dive
Cobalt Strike Royal Ransom
2023-02-08Trend MicroTed Lee
Earth Zhulong: Familiar Patterns Target Southeast Asian Firms
Cobalt Strike MACAMAX 1937CN
2023-02-03MandiantGenevieve Stark, Kimberly Goody
Float Like a Butterfly Sting Like a Bee
BazarBackdoor BumbleBee Cobalt Strike
2023-02-02KrollElio Biasiotto, Stephen Green
Hive Ransomware Technical Analysis and Initial Access Discovery
BATLOADER Cobalt Strike Hive
2023-02-02ElasticAndrew Pease, Cyril François, Devon Kerr, Remco Sprooten, Salim Bitam, Seth Goodwin
Update to the REF2924 intrusion set and related campaigns
DoorMe ShadowPad SiestaGraph
2023-02-02EclecticIQEclecticIQ Threat Research Team
Mustang Panda APT Group Uses European Commission-Themed Lure to Deliver PlugX Malware
2023-01-30CheckpointArie Olshtein
Following the Scent of TrickGate: 6-Year-Old Packer Used to Deploy the Most Wanted Malware
Agent Tesla Azorult Buer Cerber Cobalt Strike Emotet Formbook HawkEye Keylogger Loki Password Stealer (PWS) Maze NetWire RC Remcos REvil TrickBot
2023-01-26TEAMT5Still Hsu
Brief History of MustangPanda and its PlugX Evolution
2023-01-26Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Jen Miller-Osborn, Mike Harbison
Chinese PlugX Malware Hidden in Your USB Devices?
2023-01-24FortinetGeri Revay
The Year of the Wiper
Azov Wiper Bruh Wiper CaddyWiper Cobalt Strike Vidar
2023-01-23KrollElio Biasiotto, Stephen Green
Black Basta – Technical Analysis
Black Basta Cobalt Strike MimiKatz QakBot SystemBC
ProxyNotShell – OWASSRF – Merry Xchange
Cobalt Strike SystemBC
2023-01-14YouTube (CODE BLUE)Takahiro Haruyama
[CB22]Tracking the Entire Iceberg - Long-term APT Malware C2 Protocol Emulation and Scanning
ShadowPad Winnti
2023-01-09kienmanowar Blogm4n0w4r, Tran Trung Kien
[QuickNote] Another nice PlugX sample
2023-01-05SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Bluebottle: Campaign Hits Banks in French-speaking Countries in Africa
CloudEyE Cobalt Strike MimiKatz NetWire RC POORTRY Quasar RAT BlueBottle
2022-12-27kienmanowar Blogm4n0w4r, Tran Trung Kien
Diving into a PlugX sample of Mustang Panda group
2022-12-24Medium (@DCSO_CyTec)Denis Szadkowski, Hendrik Baecker, Jiro Minier, Johann Aydinbas
APT41 — The spy who failed to encrypt me
Trojanized Windows 10 Operating System Installers Targeted Ukrainian Government
Cobalt Strike STOWAWAY
2022-12-08Cisco TalosTiago Pereira
Breaking the silence - Recent Truebot activity
Clop Cobalt Strike FlawedGrace Raspberry Robin Silence Teleport
2022-12-06EuRepoCCamille Borrett, Kerstin Zettl-Schabath, Lena Rottinger
Conti/Wizard Spider
BazarBackdoor Cobalt Strike Conti Emotet IcedID Ryuk TrickBot WIZARD SPIDER
2022-12-06BlackberryBlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team
Mustang Panda Uses the Russian-Ukrainian War to Attack Europe and Asia Pacific Targets
2022-12-02Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Bob Jung, Dominik Reichel, Esmid Idrizovic
Blowing Cobalt Strike Out of the Water With Memory Analysis
Cobalt Strike
2022-12-02Avast DecodedThreat Intelligence Team
Hitching a ride with Mustang Panda
2022-11-30FFRI SecurityMatsumoto
Evolution of the PlugX loader
PlugX Poison Ivy
2022-11-15SOC PrimeVeronika Telychko
Somnia Malware Detection: UAC-0118 aka FRwL Launches Cyber Attacks Against Organizations in Ukraine Using Enhanced Malware Strains
Cobalt Strike Vidar UAC-0118
2022-11-09Trend MicroHara Hiroaki, Ted Lee
Hack the Real Box: APT41’s New Subgroup Earth Longzhi
Cobalt Strike MimiKatz Earth Longzhi
2022-11-03paloalto Netoworks: Unit42Chris Navarrete, Durgesh Sangvikar, Matthew Tennis, Siddhart Shibiraj, Yanhui Jia, Yu Fu
Cobalt Strike Analysis and Tutorial: Identifying Beacon Team Servers in the Wild
Cobalt Strike
2022-11-03Group-IBRustam Mirkasymov
Financially motivated, dangerously activated: OPERA1ER APT in Africa
Cobalt Strike Common Raven
2022-11-03Github (chronicle)Chronicle
GCTI Open Source Detection Signatures
Cobalt Strike Sliver
2022-10-31CynetMax Malyutin
Orion Threat Alert: Qakbot TTPs Arsenal and the Black Basta Ransomware
Black Basta Cobalt Strike QakBot
2022-10-27vmwareTakahiro Haruyama
Threat Analysis: Active C2 Discovery Using Protocol Emulation Part3 (ShadowPad)
2022-10-25VMware Threat Analysis UnitTakahiro Haruyama
Tracking the entire iceberg: long-term APT malware C2 protocol emulation and scanning
ShadowPad Winnti
2022-10-13SpamhausSpamhaus Malware Labs
Spamhaus Botnet Threat Update Q3 2022
FluBot Arkei Stealer AsyncRAT Ave Maria BumbleBee Cobalt Strike DCRat Dridex Emotet Loki Password Stealer (PWS) Nanocore RAT NetWire RC NjRAT QakBot RecordBreaker RedLine Stealer Remcos Socelars Tofsee Vjw0rm
2022-10-13MicrosoftMicrosoft Threat Hunting, MSRC Team
Hunting for Cobalt Strike: Mining and plotting for fun and profit
Cobalt Strike
2022-10-12Trend MicroIan Kenefick, Lucas Silva, Nicole Hernandez
Black Basta Ransomware Gang Infiltrates Networks via QAKBOT, Brute Ratel, and Cobalt Strike
Black Basta Brute Ratel C4 Cobalt Strike QakBot
2022-10-06BlackberryThe BlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team
Mustang Panda Abuses Legitimate Apps to Target Myanmar Based Victims
2022-10-03Check PointMarc Salinas Fernandez
Bumblebee: increasing its capacity and evolving its TTPs
BumbleBee Cobalt Strike Meterpreter Sliver Vidar
2022-10-03Trend MicroJaromír Hořejší, Joseph Chen
Water Labbu Abuses Malicious DApps to Steal Cryptocurrency
Cobalt Strike Water Labbu
2022-09-30NCC GroupMichael Mullen, Nikolaos Pantazopoulos, William Backhouse
A glimpse into the shadowy realm of a Chinese APT: detailed analysis of a ShadowPad intrusion
2022-09-29SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Witchetty: Group Uses Updated Toolset in Attacks on Governments in Middle East
CHINACHOPPER Lookback MimiKatz PlugX Unidentified 096 (Keylogger) x4 Witchetty
2022-09-26Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Daniela Shalev, Itay Gamliel
Hunting for Unsigned DLLs to Find APTs
PlugX Raspberry Robin Roshtyak
2022-09-26The DFIR ReportThe DFIR Report
BumbleBee: Round Two
BumbleBee Cobalt Strike Meterpreter
2022-09-26Youtube (Virus Bulletin)Takahiro Haruyama
Tracking the entire iceberg long term APT malware C2 protocol emulation and scanning
ShadowPad Winnti
2022-09-25YouTube (Arda Büyükkaya)Arda Büyükkaya
Cobalt Strike Shellcode Loader With Rust (YouTube)
Cobalt Strike
2022-09-19Virus BulletinTakahiro Haruyama
Tracking the entire iceberg - long-term APT malware C2 protocol emulation and scanning
ShadowPad Winnti
2022-09-14Security JoesFelipe Duarte
Dissecting PlugX to Extract Its Crown Jewels
2022-09-13SymantecThreat Hunter Team
New Wave of Espionage Activity Targets Asian Governments
MimiKatz PlugX Quasar RAT ShadowPad Trochilus RAT
2022-09-13AdvIntelAdvanced Intelligence
AdvIntel's State of Emotet aka "SpmTools" Displays Over Million Compromised Machines Through 2022
Conti Cobalt Strike Emotet Ryuk TrickBot
2022-09-12The DFIR ReportThe DFIR Report
Dead or Alive? An Emotet Story
Cobalt Strike Emotet
2022-09-09Github (m4now4r)m4n0w4r
“Mustang Panda” – Enemy at the gate
2022-09-08SecureworksCounter Threat Unit ResearchTeam
BRONZE PRESIDENT Targets Government Officials
2022-09-08CybereasonAleksandar Milenkoski, Kotaro Ogino, Yuki Shibuya
Threat Analysis Report: PlugX RAT Loader Evolution
2022-09-07GoogleGoogle Threat Analysis Group, Pierre-Marc Bureau
Initial access broker repurposing techniques in targeted attacks against Ukraine
AnchorMail Cobalt Strike IcedID
Bumblebee Returns With New Infection Technique
BumbleBee Cobalt Strike
2022-09-06ESET ResearchThibaut Passilly
Worok: The big picture
MimiKatz PNGLoad reGeorg ShadowPad Worok
Estudio del análisis de Nobelium
BEATDROP BOOMBOX Cobalt Strike EnvyScout Unidentified 099 (APT29 Dropbox Loader) VaporRage
Alert (AA22-249A) #StopRansomware: Vice Society
Cobalt Strike Empire Downloader FiveHands HelloKitty SystemBC Zeppelin
2022-09-06Didier StevensDidier Stevens
An Obfuscated Beacon – Extra XOR Layer
Cobalt Strike
Malware development tricks: parent PID spoofing. Simple C++ example.
Cobalt Strike Konni
2022-09-01Medium michaelkoczwaraMichael Koczwara
Hunting C2/Adversaries Infrastructure with Shodan and Censys
Brute Ratel C4 Cobalt Strike Deimos GRUNT IcedID Merlin Meterpreter Nighthawk PoshC2 Sliver
2022-09-01Trend MicroTrend Micro
Ransomware Spotlight Black Basta
Black Basta Cobalt Strike MimiKatz QakBot
2022-08-30eSentireeSentire Threat Response Unit (TRU)
Hacker Infrastructure Used in Cisco Breach Discovered Attacking a Top Workforce Management Corporation & an Affiliate of Russia’s Evil Corp Gang Suspected, Reports eSentire
Cobalt Strike FiveHands UNC2447
2022-08-25SentinelOneJim Walter
BlueSky Ransomware | AD Lateral Movement, Evasion and Fast Encryption Put Threat on the Radar
BlueSky Cobalt Strike JuicyPotato
Extortion Economics - Ransomware’s new business model
BlackCat Conti Hive REvil AgendaCrypt Black Basta BlackCat Brute Ratel C4 Cobalt Strike Conti Hive Mount Locker Nokoyawa Ransomware REvil Ryuk
2022-08-19nccgroupRoss Inman
Back in Black: Unlocking a LockBit 3.0 Ransomware Attack
FAKEUPDATES Cobalt Strike LockBit
New APT group MURENSHARK investigative report: Torpedoes hit Turkish Navy
Cobalt Strike
2022-08-18Group-IBNikita Rostovtsev
APT41 World Tour 2021 on a tight schedule
Cobalt Strike
2022-08-18SophosSean Gallagher
Cookie stealing: the new perimeter bypass
Cobalt Strike Meterpreter MimiKatz Phoenix Keylogger Quasar RAT
2022-08-18TrustwavePawel Knapczyk
Overview of the Cyber Weapons Used in the Ukraine - Russia War
AcidRain CaddyWiper Cobalt Strike CredoMap DCRat DoubleZero GraphSteel GrimPlant HermeticWiper INDUSTROYER2 InvisiMole IsaacWiper PartyTicket
2022-08-18TrustwavePawel Knapczyk
Overview of the Cyber Weapons Used in the Ukraine - Russia War
AcidRain CaddyWiper Cobalt Strike CredoMap DCRat DoubleZero GraphSteel GrimPlant HermeticWiper INDUSTROYER2 InvisiMole IsaacWiper PartyTicket
2022-08-17CybereasonCybereason Global SOC Team
Bumblebee Loader – The High Road to Enterprise Domain Control
BumbleBee Cobalt Strike
2022-08-17SecureworksCounter Threat Unit ResearchTeam
DarkTortilla Malware Analysis
Agent Tesla AsyncRAT Cobalt Strike DarkTortilla Nanocore RAT RedLine Stealer
2022-08-12SANS ISCBrad Duncan
Monster Libra (TA551/Shathak) pushes IcedID (Bokbot) with Dark VNC and Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike DarkVNC IcedID
2022-08-11Malcatmalcat team
LNK forensic and config extraction of a cobalt strike beacon
Cobalt Strike
2022-08-11SecurityScorecardRobert Ames
The Increase in Ransomware Attacks on Local Governments
BlackCat BlackCat Cobalt Strike LockBit
2022-08-10WeixinRed Raindrop Team
Operation(верность) mercenary: a torrent of steel trapped in the plains of Eastern Europe
BumbleBee Cobalt Strike
2022-08-08The DFIR ReportThe DFIR Report
BumbleBee Roasts Its Way to Domain Admin
BumbleBee Cobalt Strike
2022-08-04YouTube (Arda Büyükkaya)Arda Büyükkaya
LockBit Ransomware Sideloads Cobalt Strike Through Microsoft Security Tool
Cobalt Strike LockBit
2022-08-03Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Brad Duncan
Flight of the Bumblebee: Email Lures and File Sharing Services Lead to Malware
BazarBackdoor BumbleBee Cobalt Strike Conti
2022-08-02Cisco TalosAsheer Malhotra, Vitor Ventura
Manjusaka: A Chinese sibling of Sliver and Cobalt Strike
Manjusaka Cobalt Strike Manjusaka
Malware AV evasion - part 8. Encode payload via Z85
Agent Tesla Carbanak Carberp Cardinal RAT Cobalt Strike donut_injector
2022-07-28SentinelOneJames Haughom, Julien Reisdorffer, Júlio Dantas
Living Off Windows Defender | LockBit Ransomware Sideloads Cobalt Strike Through Microsoft Security Tool
Cobalt Strike LockBit
2022-07-27ReversingLabsJoseph Edwards
Threat analysis: Follina exploit fuels 'live-off-the-land' attacks
Cobalt Strike MimiKatz
2022-07-27cybleCyble Research Labs
Targeted Attacks Being Carried Out Via DLL SideLoading
Cobalt Strike QakBot
2022-07-27Trend MicroBuddy Tancio, Jed Valderama
Gootkit Loader’s Updated Tactics and Fileless Delivery of Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike GootKit Kronos REvil SunCrypt
2022-07-26MicrosoftMicrosoft 365 Defender Research Team
Malicious IIS extensions quietly open persistent backdoors into servers
2022-07-22Binary NinjaXusheng Li
Reverse Engineering a Cobalt Strike Dropper With Binary Ninja
Cobalt Strike
2022-07-20NVISO LabsSasja Reynaert
Analysis of a trojanized jQuery script: GootLoader unleashed
GootLoader Cobalt Strike
2022-07-20U.S. Cyber CommandCyber National Mission Force Public Affairs
Cyber National Mission Force discloses IOCs from Ukrainian networks
Cobalt Strike GraphSteel GrimPlant MicroBackdoor
2022-07-20Advanced IntelligenceMarley Smith, Vitali Kremez, Yelisey Boguslavskiy
Anatomy of Attack: Truth Behind the Costa Rica Government Ransomware 5-Day Intrusion
Cobalt Strike
2022-07-20MandiantMandiant Threat Intelligence
Evacuation and Humanitarian Documents used to Spear Phish Ukrainian Entities
Cobalt Strike GraphSteel GrimPlant MicroBackdoor
2022-07-19Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Mike Harbison, Peter Renals
Russian APT29 Hackers Use Online Storage Services, DropBox and Google Drive
Cobalt Strike EnvyScout Gdrive
2022-07-18Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Unit 42
Obscure Serpens
Cobalt Strike Empire Downloader Meterpreter MimiKatz DarkHydrus
2022-07-18YouTube (Security Joes)Felipe Duarte
PlugX DLL Side-Loading Technique
2022-07-18Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Unit 42
Shallow Taurus
FormerFirstRAT IsSpace NewCT PlugX Poison Ivy Tidepool DragonOK
Russian Ransomware C2 Network Discovered in Censys Data
Cobalt Strike DeimosC2 MimiKatz PoshC2
2022-07-18Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Unit 42
Iron Taurus
2022-07-13Malwarebytes LabsHossein Jazi, Roberto Santos
Cobalt Strikes again: UAC-0056 continues to target Ukraine in its latest campaign
Cobalt Strike
2022-07-13Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Chris Navarrete, Durgesh Sangvikar, Siddhart Shibiraj, Yanhui Jia, Yu Fu
Cobalt Strike Analysis and Tutorial: CS Metadata Encryption and Decryption
Cobalt Strike
UAC-0056 attack on Ukrainian state organizations using Cobalt Strike Beacon (CERT-UA#4941)
Cobalt Strike
2022-07-07SANS ISCBrad Duncan
Emotet infection with Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike Emotet
2022-07-07IBMCharlotte Hammond, Kat Weinberger, Ole Villadsen
Unprecedented Shift: The Trickbot Group is Systematically Attacking Ukraine
AnchorMail BumbleBee Cobalt Strike IcedID Meterpreter
UAC-0056 cyberattack on Ukrainian state organizations using Cobalt Strike Beacon (CERT-UA#4914)
Cobalt Strike
ToddyCat: A Guided Journey through the Attacker's Infrastructure
ShadowPad ToddyCat
2022-06-30Trend MicroEmmanuel Panopio, James Panlilio, John Kenneth Reyes, Kenneth Adrian Apostol, Melvin Singwa, Mirah Manlapig, Paolo Ronniel Labrador
Black Basta Ransomware Operators Expand Their Attack Arsenal With QakBot Trojan and PrintNightmare Exploit
Black Basta Cobalt Strike QakBot
2022-06-28LumenBlack Lotus Labs
ZuoRAT Hijacks SOHO Routers To Silently Stalk Networks
ZuoRAT Cobalt Strike
2022-06-27Kaspersky ICS CERTArtem Snegirev, Kirill Kruglov
Attacks on industrial control systems using ShadowPad
Cobalt Strike PlugX ShadowPad
Overview of Russian GRU and SVR Cyberespionage Campaigns 1H 2022
Cobalt Strike CredoMap EnvyScout
2022-06-23cybleCyble Research Labs
Matanbuchus Loader Resurfaces
Cobalt Strike Matanbuchus
2022-06-23SecureworksCounter Threat Unit ResearchTeam
BRONZE STARLIGHT Ransomware Operations Use HUI Loader
ATOMSILO Cobalt Strike HUI Loader LockFile NightSky Pandora PlugX Quasar RAT Rook SodaMaster BRONZE STARLIGHT
2022-06-21Cisco TalosChris Neal, Flavio Costa, Guilherme Venere
Avos ransomware group expands with new attack arsenal
AvosLocker Cobalt Strike DarkComet MimiKatz
UAC-0098 group cyberattack on critical infrastructure of Ukraine (CERT-UA#4842)
Cobalt Strike
2022-06-17SANS ISCBrad Duncan
Malspam pushes Matanbuchus malware, leads to Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike Matanbuchus
2022-06-15Security JoesCharles Lomboni, Felipe Duarte, Venkat Rajgor
Backdoor via XFF: Mysterious Threat Actor Under Radar
2022-06-11Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft Threat Intelligence
Tweet on DEV-0401, DEV-0234 exploiting Confluence RCE CVE-2022-26134
Kinsing Mirai Cobalt Strike Lilac Typhoon
2022-06-07AdvIntelMarley Smith, Vitali Kremez, Yelisey Boguslavskiy
BlackCat — In a Shifting Threat Landscape, It Helps to Land on Your Feet: Tech Dive
BlackCat BlackCat Cobalt Strike
Bumblebee Loader on The Rise
BumbleBee Cobalt Strike
Growling Bears Make Thunderous Noise
Cobalt Strike HermeticWiper WhisperGate NB65
2022-06-04kienmanowar Blogm4n0w4r, Tran Trung Kien
[QuickNote] CobaltStrike SMB Beacon Analysis
Cobalt Strike
2022-06-03AttackIQAttackIQ Adversary Research Team, Jackson Wells
Attack Graph Response to US CERT AA22-152A: Karakurt Data Extortion Group
Cobalt Strike MimiKatz
CloudEyE Cobalt Strike CryptBot Emotet IsaacWiper QakBot
2022-06-02MandiantMandiant Intelligence
To HADES and Back: UNC2165 Shifts to LOCKBIT to Evade Sanctions
FAKEUPDATES Blister Cobalt Strike DoppelPaymer Dridex FriedEx Hades LockBit Macaw MimiKatz Phoenix Locker WastedLocker
2022-06-01ElasticAndrew Pease, Daniel Stepanic, Derek Ditch, Salim Bitam, Seth Goodwin
CUBA Ransomware Campaign Analysis
Cobalt Strike Cuba Meterpreter MimiKatz SystemBC
2022-05-27PTSecurityAleksey Vishnyakov, Anton Belousov
How bootkits are implemented in modern firmware and how UEFI differs from Legacy BIOS
LoJax MoonBounce
2022-05-25Medium walmartglobaltechJason Reaves, Joshua Platt
SocGholish Campaigns and Initial Access Kit
FAKEUPDATES Blister Cobalt Strike NetSupportManager RAT
2022-05-24BitSightBitSight, João Batista, Pedro Umbelino
Emotet Botnet Rises Again
Cobalt Strike Emotet QakBot SystemBC
2022-05-24The Hacker NewsFlorian Goutin
Malware Analysis: Trickbot
Cobalt Strike Conti Ryuk TrickBot
2022-05-23Trend MicroDaniel Lunghi, Jaromír Hořejší
Operation Earth Berberoka
reptile oRAT Ghost RAT PlugX pupy Earth Berberoka
2022-05-22R136a1Dominik Reichel
Introduction of a PE file extractor for various situations
Cobalt Strike Matanbuchus
2022-05-20sonatypeAx Sharma
New 'pymafka' malicious package drops Cobalt Strike on macOS, Windows, Linux
Cobalt Strike
2022-05-20VinCSSDang Dinh Phuong, m4n0w4r, Tran Trung Kien
[RE027] China-based APT Mustang Panda might have still continued their attack activities against organizations in Vietnam
Malware Campaign Targets InfoSec Community: Threat Actor Uses Fake Proof Of Concept To Deliver Cobalt-Strike Beacon
Cobalt Strike
Why Remediation Alone Is Not Enough When Infected by Malware
Cobalt Strike DarkSide
2022-05-19InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogBrad Duncan
Bumblebee Malware from TransferXL URLs
BumbleBee Cobalt Strike
2022-05-19InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogBrad Duncan
Bumblebee Malware from TransferXL URLs
BumbleBee Cobalt Strike
2022-05-18PRODAFT Threat IntelligencePRODAFT
Wizard Spider In-Depth Analysis
Cobalt Strike Conti WIZARD SPIDER
2022-05-17Trend MicroTrend Micro Research
Ransomware Spotlight: RansomEXX
LaZagne Cobalt Strike IcedID MimiKatz PyXie RansomEXX TrickBot
2022-05-17Positive TechnologiesPositive Technologies
Space Pirates: analyzing the tools and connections of a new hacker group
FormerFirstRAT PlugX Poison Ivy Rovnix ShadowPad Zupdax